1. PotC #2 -- i was disappointed. the plot seemed over the top, and I still don't know what they were trying to pull with some of the character development stuff that they did. (won't mention anything specific because I don't want to spoil it for those that haven't seen it yet). Maybe I kind of set myself up for disappointment because i liked the first one so much and had such high hopes for the second. blah. I may or may not go see the third in theatres when it comes out. (and the cliffhanger ending was mildly annoying and didn't really make me need to see the next one.) I do have to agree with
, though, as Norrington was much more attractive in #2.
2. I'm going on a canoe trip this weekend to maine/new hampshire. SO excited. I haven't been really camping in a loooong time, and i haven't been canoeing or kayaking in even longer.
3. work going okay... starting to get a little frazzled by all the work i have to do in a month, but i think it should be okay. Peter is talking like he wants to get a publication out of this, even if I have to keep working on it during the school year next year, which is totally worth it. AND that i would be an author on a published paper (with nowacek and tyack, no less!!) would look really good for grad school applications. (of course, it wouldn't be published by november or anything, but if i end up taking a year off, etc etc).
4. george goes to australia today. he's pissed off at me anyways, so he won't talk to me, but i hope he has fun. won't see him till christmas.
5. just over 2 weeks until i go home. yay?
I need to get back to being productive. I was doing so well this morning!