i'm so going to flunk my project

Jun 16, 2006 11:35

updating from work because its friday and i'm bored, and who really expects any work to get done on fridays anyways? plus, I haven't seen my advisor or my graduate students all morning and i'm getting lonely all the way back in the area that there are supposed to be three other people in.

anyhow. I have the coolest summer job ever. where else would i get to ditch my own work to go help my roomie cut up a whale head? huh? There was a pygmy sperm whale that beached in Dennis last weekend or monday-ish, and no one wanted the head, so they gave it to Maya and said "go for it", and she let me help. It was really cool... pygmy sperm whales are the only ones that have some kind of organ in their heads called a catcher's mitt, and no one knows what it does, so we took that apart and examined what it might possibly be used for. Maya took out the eye and that was gross, but other than that it was soooooo cool. and I'm getting paid to have that kind of fun.. and its only 3 weeks into my job here. this is awesome. and i got paid today. double awesome.

jeff 2 and i had tea club yesterday afternoon, as well, and that was fun. he came to my building and we got our tea and went and sat outside to drink it and talk. that is supposedly going to become a weekly thing now, and perhaps kira and maya will join us when kira is in town and maya isn't playing with whale heads.

Its gorgeous weather here today (~80F) and sunny and we're going to have lunch on the beach today... everybody in the program from quisset has kind of decided to meet down there on sunny days. its fun. and its friday... time for the weekend and partying.

last night was nice and quiet... i think it was like the first night in probably 2 weeks that i wasn't doing some social activity and i had the time and a bit of energy to read with. 'twas nice. i mean, don't get me wrong, i love being social, but i do need downtime occasionally. and last night i did sort of end up being a third wheel for a bit, but whatever. i just went upstairs and played with matlab and made it do almost what i wanted it to. now i just need to make it tweak one little thing within the program and we'll be golden.

project -- i feel like i'm behind, because i really need to sit down with my advisor and just look at the data and have him explain a few things to me, but i saw him for all of probably 5 minutes total last week and he apparently forgot about the meeting that we'd set up for yesterday morning, and hasn't answered the email that I sent him on tuesday night. Its not like I can really do anything until i get my questions answered, but oh well. Maybe i'll send him another email asking him to meet with me early next week.

sick of being the ugly friend (substitute any adjective you like here -- boring, stupid, unathletic, etc etc) and getting passed over by guys again and again and again, but whatever. i'll get over it, i guess. i just don't want to be lonely for the rest of my life.

I get to go home in 1 month and 12 days, but i'm not excited really. I don't know why... I guess maybe its that I feel like I click with people here, kind of like my group at home. I don't have to hide part of me that I do with the rest of the world and other people. Yes, i have friends at school, but I always feel like the nerd. Here, though, everyone is a nerd... and yes, I realize how dorky that sounds. But I don't feel like i have to hide the fact that I like learning and that I like school and science and just thinking about things.

I don't really know what's different about my group at home and the people here, except that there are more people involved here and that we're slightly less goofy (slightly because the other night some of us spent about half an hour being highly amused that (drunk) nate was making maya's superman doll molest her stuffed seal...). Jeff 1 is exactly like jeff from home with a few elements (the nerdier ones...) of my uncle eric thrown in.

linnea -- if you read this, remind me to talk to you about justin. i need to have someone clarify for me whats going on there.

anyway. I've now wasted 20 minutes of my workday writing this, and its almost time to go down to the beach, so i'm going to post it and go get lunch. perhaps this afternoon will be more productive?
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