Random update

Apr 28, 2002 22:43

Just thought I'd do an update.. I really should keep this blog up-to-date since I spent all that time coding it. Even if it doesn't work properly yet.

Been a busy weekend.. good but busy. Friday night we had a bbq at work. I didn't stay for long, but I did manage to stuff myself silly.. and then proceeded to have a BK when I got home. Talked to a few of my work colleagues.. but I wasn't particularly social.. it's a little hard to be when you are shivering your tits off and watching the food burning.

Yesterday I roleplayed all day.. it was meant to be from midday to eight. But like all roleplay sessions it went on til late. Plus the fact that people were confused about start times and so arrived for one didn't help. The session was fun tho. I retired off Jason and had Gomez running around thinking he'd kidnapped a character we'd just met. Fortunately for a nice little telepathic link between Gomez and Jason I managed to relieve him somewhat.

Then I got to introduce my new character. A character that has been in the works for over a year.. but only put onto paper recently. Unfortunately one of the players guessed what he was before hand so I didn't get all the interest and confusion. And I haven't even gotten into a fight with him yet. :( But still, he should be cool, and a totally different type of character which will be interesting and fun.

Then today.. well.. today was a lazy day.. this afternoon was much filled with IRC. Been a busy day on IRC so my stats have been improving. Although the Rat is still way out in the lead.

I love hard characters. Especially hard characters with personality too.

old blog, roleplay, irc

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