Title: Warm Hands and Worrisome Words
accioscarTeam: Aurors
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Challenge: words
Warning(s): Oh, the angst! I sense another drabble-series-of-doom coming on! 1st Person (from Draco's POV)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters - JKR does. Only the plot is mine. I’m not making any money from this and no offence is intended.
Author notes: Unbeta'd, please point out any errors. Comments=love. *g
Um...not really sure what this is all about. It's like the random thoughts and worries that can sometimes keep us all awake at night...
In the dead of night I lie awake and try to find the words - the words to tell you that I’m leaving. That I must.
Your breath is steady against my neck. Constant.
Your warm palm on my chest burns to the beat of my heart.
Your hands are always warm.
I wonder if that will change after I’m gone. If every truth I’ve ever known will collapse under the weight of my words. Or will you go on without me - constant and steady like your breath against someone else’s neck?
Another dawn breaks and still the words escape me.