Title: Time to catch the train
hazel_wandTeam: Aurors
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco, Lily
Challenge: Train
Author's Notes: This is a continuation of the 8 drabble story from the hope prompt,
A Featherless Thing. There'll be at least one more after this one.
Pain. Not just physical pain: it was arrowing, sweating agony; a terrible sense of wrong that churned until he wanted any release - wished for death. But he realised he was dying, and it hurt more, because he wasn’t brave. He was failing in this last thing; he couldn’t die as well as Harry, who was at his side all pleading belief and shaking breath.
He couldn’t stay; couldn’t leave - until Lily, dead eyes shining sorrow, came and touched his straining face.
“Come now, Draco,” she said, voice soft, carried on no breath. “Time to catch the train.”
Then peace.