Hassles in Hogsmeade

Sep 13, 2013 10:06

Title: Hassles in Hogsmeade
Word Count: 800
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Harry is just looking out for his friend, that's all.
Author's notes: Written for hd_writers' WBTH Challenge, Assignment 15: A fic set in a given list of locations. I picked Hogsmeade. Also written for this month's JMDC Challenge, Prompt: I'll buy you a new one.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. This was written for fun, not profit.

Harry scowled as he gulped down his butterbeer. Hogsmeade visits were usually fun and The Three Broomsticks had no dearth of warmth or cheer, but as far as Harry was concerned everything sucked. Because right there- not ten feet from him- some wanker was sitting at a table tucked away in the corner, and he had his arm around Draco.

Obviously, his irritation was perfectly rational. He was after all, friendly with Draco these days. All the Eighth Years were sharing a common room and considering that they lived together, it only made sense to get along. Besides Draco was passing nice when he wanted to be. Harry had been pleasantly surprised by how much time they ended up spending together.

They talked and studied together sometimes and while Draco still rolled his eyes at him, it was usually accompanied by a fond head shake and an immediate demand for Harry’s latest Charms notes so he could undo whatever damage Harry had most recently inflicted on them. All in all, Draco wasn't a bad bloke. Unfortunately, he was pretty - too pretty, actually- and ridiculously oblivious of the fact that he was too pretty. Therefore he was liable to get himself into all sorts of trouble. As his friend, it was obviously Harry’s job to look out for him and protect him from the general male population.

Therefore, he found it perfectly reasonable to be miffed by this…this stranger who was sitting unnecessarily close to his blond- friend, he meant friend, of course- and whispering in his ear.

Harry scowled. Why did he have to whisper? Was he divulging some sort of national secret? What could he possibly be saying to Draco that the rest of the bar was not allowed to hear? Utterly unnecessary; not to mention rude. Of course all the attention was annoying Draco. The polite smile and interested nodding meant nothing- Harry knew Draco well enough to understand he wished to be rescued from this man’s unwelcome attention.

Things went one step too far when the man lifted his hand and brushed Draco’s cheek lightly. Oh, that was it! Harry scowled and marched over, a threatening glare darkening his gaze.  Draco’s eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t seem too unhappy about the sudden intrusion. Of course not. He was clearly relieved.

“Harry,” he smiled. “What are you doing here? I…”

Harry’s eyes narrowed as his gaze fixed on the arm wrapped around Draco’s shoulders. The man swallowed and detached himself at once. Harry smirked in satisfaction as he reverted to Draco. “I was hoping you’d join me for a bit. I need some help with my homework.”

Draco grinned at him. “Don’t you always?” he teased. “I suppose we could catch up. I’ll just finish my drink and…”

“I’ll buy you a new one,” Harry cut in, his gaze zeroing in on The Intruder. The man gulped audibly. He must have discovered a previously unknown sense of self preservation, because he pushed his chair back and got up rather abruptly. “Actually Draco,” he blurted, gathering up his coat and edging for the door. “I just remembered an important appointment. Why don’t you go on with your boyfriend? It was nice meeting you. Bye now!”

“Boyfriend?” Draco echoed incredulously. “He’s not my…”

But the man was already gone, leaving nothing but a trail of dust in his wake. Draco frowned. “That was odd.”

“Very,” Harry replied smugly, slipping into the vacant chair.

Draco shook his head and scoffed. “Boyfriend. Really, the ideas some people get. Of all the outlandish notions…can you imagine?”

“Ridiculous,” Harry agreed, taking a swig of his butter beer again. “So about those notes…”

“Of course,” Draco grinned, taking his books out from a bag. “Is it Chapter 23? It’s always Chapter 23 with you…”

From the corner of his eye, Harry spotted yet another bloke eyeing his blon- his friend, damn it- with interest. He glared and shifted his chair over to Draco, settling beside him and wrapping a protective arm around his slim shoulders. Draco stiffened for a second, his breath catching slightly as he tensed. Grey eyes blinked at Harry in apparent confusion. Harry offered a reassuring smile and a slight shrug, but his grip tightened. Draco flushed in response, lowering his gaze and busying himself with the book again.

“So Chapter 23,” he murmured, settling against Harry’s shoulder. Harry nodded distractedly, one eye still on the potential intruder. The man took one look at him and gave in, slinking away with a scowl.

Harry grinned triumphantly and busied himself with listening to Draco. And if his arm remained firmly wrapped around the blond and the weight of his head on his chest made a strange warmth spread through Harry’s heart, that was perfectly normal too. After all, Draco needed to be looked after and Harry obviously just wanted to protect his friend from sleazy strangers. He shook his head and scoffed inwardly.

Boyfriend, indeed…

oneshot, fluff, protective, harry, hogwarts era, humour, hd-writer's house challenge, jealous, draco, jmdc, possessive, drarry

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