The Break Up

Jun 18, 2013 14:44

Title: The Break Up
Rating: NC 17
Word Count: 2,230
Warnings: Violence, almost rape, drugs, not fit for minors
Author's notes: Inspired from a random prompt on Tumblr. Shameless rescue fic featuring powerful!possessive!Harry and damsel-in-distress!Draco. Written for June's JMDC Challenge for the prompt animal.
Summary: Harry rescues Draco which leads him to question their recent break up.

Harry was halfway through his third beer when the phone rang. He reached out for it and immediately grimaced at the name flashing on the screen. Draco had no business calling him at this time of the night. Their break up was still painfully fresh in his memory and the last week had been sheer hell for him. Perhaps it had been for the best- they could hardly go a day without arguing and recently, the word ‘break up’ had been tossed around a lot more than Harry would have preferred. Then Draco had announced that he was leaving and Harry hadn’t stopped him. Only in his darkest moments would he admit that he wished he had just run after his boyfriend and dragged him back. But stubbornness and pride had stopped him. If Draco could leave him so easily, Harry didn’t see why he should beg him to stay.

And now he was calling. Harry scowled at the phone, half considering ignoring the stubborn, obnoxious brat altogether. But the ringing was insistent and frantic and in spite of his better judgement, he found himself taking the call.

“What?” he snapped. “It wasn’t enough for you to rip my heart out? You have to call and rub it in too?”

“Harry,” Draco’s voice sounded small and lost and something inside Harry clenched painfully. He sighed and rubbed his temples, trying to will away his headache.

“Look, Draco,” he began. “I don’t really want to talk to you right now and you made it amply clear that you didn’t want to see me again. So please, let’s just…”

“Harry, please,” Draco cut in. The soft, pleading note in his voice was unsettling. “I…I didn’t know who else to call.”

Harry frowned. “What’s going on? Are you alright?”

His heart plummeted as a soft sobbing commenced on the other end of the line. His hand tightened on the phone, his breathing suddenly shallow. “Draco,” he whispered. “Draco, talk to me. What’s happening?”

“I…I don’t know,” Draco stuttered. “I’m scared, Harry. God, I’m so scared.”

Harry’s world tilted off its axis. His knees were shaking and he sat back on the couch. He took a couple of deep breaths, trying to will his heartbeat down to normal. Stay calm, he told himself firmly. You need to stay calm.

“Dray,” he said softly, trying not to let any note of panic seep into his tone. “Tell me where you are. I’m coming to get you.”

“I don’t know!” Draco sobbed. “There…there was a club and…and some guy…I…I think he put something in my drink…I don’t know where I…Harry, please…”

“Fuck,” Harry whispered. “Draco…Draco, listen to me. You have to apparate out of there now. Just…just get yourself over here. You can do it.”

“I lost my wand,” Draco replied, sounding more frantic by the second. “I just…just wanted to get pissed and forget and now I’m… Harry, he’s going to…”

The line crackled and Harry jumped back up, clutching a table to support himself. “Draco!” he practically screamed. “Damn it! What’s happening over there?”

“He’s coming back.” Draco whispered. “Harry, he’s coming back!” His voice was shrill and breathless. He sounded like he was going to have a panic attack. Harry wasn’t doing so great himself. The room was spinning around him and tears of rage and frustration built up in his eyes, threatening to fall as Draco started sobbing again. “Harry, please,” he managed. “He’s going to…I can’t…help me… please, Harry…please…”

“I’m coming to get you,” Harry promised, frantically pulling on his shoes. “Dray, I’ll be there in a minute. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise.”

“I want you,” Draco sobbed. “Just you. Please…please, don’t let him take me…”

Harry swiped at his tears, trying to swallow around the swollen lump in his throat. The world was suddenly clearer and he knew what needed to be done. “I’m coming to get you,” he vowed. His tone was deathly calm and his hands were still and firm. He needed to stay calm. He needed to get Draco back.

“You’re mine,” he said. “He’s not going to take you. I’m coming, love. Just hang on.”

“I love you,” Draco choked out. Harry’s breath came out in a gasping shudder. “I love you too,” he replied.

But the line was already dead.

The next five minutes were the absolute worst Harry had ever experienced. Location Spells were not always accurate and he’d made two wrong stops before finally apparating outside a skeevy muggle club. He was almost sure this was the right place. Draco’s magic was faint but present, and it was drawing him in like a magnet.

Harry didn’t waste a second. The world was a hazy blur. He didn’t recall entering the club, although he must have shoved a few people to get in considering the way his shoulder was throbbing. He didn’t even register the pounding beat of the music or the mangled twist of bodies he had to writhe through, blue tinted and eerie under the flashing strobe lights. Nothing mattered except Draco’s magic which was getting stronger and closer and he was nearly there…he had to be here; he just had to…

Harry shoved his way past yet another bloke and slammed a door open, entering the private section. A growl left his throat as he hurtled through the rooms, frantically looking for…

A wail of despair rang out- nearly drowned out by the pounding in his ears -and a shadow twisted behind him. Harry’s eyes flashed and he practically flew to the other side of the room, grabbing hold of the man and wrenching him back by the collar. Draco slumped to the floor immediately, shaking like a hunted animal. Harry met his gaze for a split second and the sight of those wide, terrified silver eyes sent a surge of sheer rage through him. He drew back and slammed his fist in the bastard’s jaw, drawing out a sickening crunch and a pained howl from his victim. “The fuck!” the man half howled, half slurred, nursing his broken jaw and gaping up at Harry from the floor. “Go find your own trick for the night!”

Harry snarled and lunged for him again, catching him in the stomach. He wrenched the sorry fuck up by his collar, slamming him against the wall. “What did you give him?” he practically hissed.

The man quailed and his dazed, brown eyes darkened with sudden fear as he realized how incredibly bad this situation had become. “I…I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, man…”

Harry snarled and slammed him into the wall again. His head slammed against the concrete and he managed another broken whimper before Harry descended on him, punching until his knuckles were bruised and bleeding. By the time he was done, the man’s face was barely recognizable. “I’ll ask again,” he growled, glaring down at the bleeding lump twisting in his grip. “What did you give him?!”

“R-r-roofies,” he stuttered out. “J-just a pill, man. He ain’t gonna crash, I swear. Just a p-pill…”

“You son of a BITCH!”

He wasn’t sure what happened after that. The world descended into a scarlet haze, fading away in the face of his wrath as he descended on the fucking rapist with the single minded intention of ending him. Blurred noises registered in the depths of his mind- screams of agony from his victim, shouts demanding that he stop and all through it the painful, wretched sound of Draco’s shuddering sobs. Harry snarled and continued his relentless attack, stopping only when two sets of hands pulled him back off the broken, bleeding lump on the floor. And still he twisted and railed and shouted for them to get the fuck off so he could get on with destroying the fucking bastard who had dared to…

“Enough!” someone yelled in his face. “Fuck man, you’re gonna kill him!”

Harry’s vision cleared and he recognized one of the bouncers he had pushed off earlier. He snarled and shoved him off again. The bouncer let go, raising his hands up in an unwillingness to fight. “Get your boyfriend and get out,” he ordered. “We don’t want trouble here. Out. Now.”

Harry sneered and turned his back on him. His gaze immediately fell on the blond, frail figure huddled on the floor. Harry’s heart ached and he made his way over to Draco, kneeling next to him and put a cautious hand on his shoulder. “Dray, baby,” he whispered. “Look at me.”

Draco left the shelter of his arms to gaze up at Harry. He was pale and shaking and his frightened eyes roved the room, landing on his half dead attacker for an instant. Draco quailed and pressed into the wall and Harry placed a firm hand on his chin, forcing Draco’s head back. “No, don’t look at him,” he ordered. “Look at me.” Draco met his gaze with a stilted nod and Harry heaved a sigh of relief as his violent trembling steadied a bit. He ran a calming hand through Draco’s blond hair, trying to soothe the tremors of that slim body against his own. “You’re safe,” he promised fervently. “You’re safe now.”


Harry braced himself against the wall as Draco barreled into his arms, clutching at him for dear life and sobbing into his shoulder. Harry’s eyes prickled and he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, nuzzling into his blond hair. Relief washed over him in waves. He hadn’t even realized how terrified he had been. If anything had happened to Draco…

“I’ve got you,” he rasped. “It’s okay now. It’s alright, love. I swear.”

“Home,” Draco demanded shakily, hiding in his chest. “Home!”

Harry nodded. “I’ll take you to the Manor.”

“No!” Draco almost screamed, his fingers digging painfully into Harry’s sides. “Not the Manor! I want to go home!”

It took Harry a second to realize that Draco was referring to their flat. His throat clenched painfully and he tightened his hold on the hysterical boy. “Okay,” he soothed. “Home. I’ll take you home.”

And I’ll be damned if I let you leave again.


He apparated them back into his flat and stumbled over to the couch, Draco still firmly wrapped around him. His boyfriend whimpered and nuzzled into his shoulder again and Harry shushed him, placing soft, tender kisses to his head. “You need to let go for a minute,” he murmured. “I need to see what he…you might need a Healer.”

Draco’s response was to clamber into his lap and straddle him. “No Healer,” he mumbled. “Just you. Please.”

Harry stroked his back gently and summoned a healing salve. He considered a Calming Potion but he had a feeling Draco wasn’t going to take anything right now and he didn’t want to give him anything until the drugs were out of his system. Very gently, he pried him off. Draco stared down at his lap, unnervingly compliant as Harry divested him of his shirt and assessed the damage. Harry tried to stamp down his rage at the sight of the flaring, red bite mark on Draco’s collarbone. He was half considering going back to the club and burning it to the ground, but just then Draco shuddered and moved to put his shirt back on. Harry’s anger melted away at once and he grasped the slender boy by the shoulders, giving him a gentle shake. “It’s not your fault,” he said firmly. “It’s over now. I’m going to heal this, okay?”

Draco sniffed and nodded slightly, settling against his shoulder and baring his neck. Harry rewarded him with a chaste kiss to the cheek and dabbed some of the salve on, sighing with relief as the mark receded. He started working on the odd bruise here and there, and by the time he was finished Draco was half asleep in his lap, apparently soothed by the gentle attention. Harry took a moment to gaze down at the sleeping boy- just looking at his soft, blond hair and his eyelashes fluttering gently. He was so beautiful. How could he have ever let Draco go? How could he have even considered…

“Sorry,” Draco slurred, nudging into his chest again. “So sorry. Won’t leave again…never, not ever…”

“Damn right you won’t,” Harry replied, his hands tightening possessively on his beautiful lover. “I’ll tie you down and keep you here if I have to. And I never want to hear the word ‘break up’ in this flat again.”

Draco shivered pleasantly against him. “Never,” he murmured. “Never, Harry…”

Harry nodded. “Go to sleep,” he ordered softly. “Just sleep now. We’ll talk in the morning.”

“Don’t leave,” Draco mumbled, clutching feebly at his shirt. Harry responded with a tight squeeze and a fervent never and Draco sighed in contentment, mercifully falling into slumber.

Harry watched him sleep for a while, just drinking in the sight of Draco safe and sound and with him. His knuckles throbbed painfully and he was struck with the belated realization that he hadn’t even bothered to heal himself yet. He reached for the salve but the sudden movement disturbed Draco who whined in complaint and clutched at his shirt again. Harry subsided, resolving to deal with it later.

Right now, everything he needed was right here and Harry tightened his hold on Draco, promising himself that he was going to keep it that way.

oneshot, protective, harry, drugs, draco, jmdc, angst, dark, established, hurt comfort, drunk, possessive, drarry

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