Some of you know Tony from the Lex. Others of you have yet to meet the little blighter. I keep him around because he amuses me with his shot of teen-angst and social whining.
Its a trial to speak to the boy, yet days like today, it really helps me gain an insight into what makes little fan boys tick and become crazy men later in life. If he turns out well I will be shocked.
TONY (12:14:08 PM): i was almost in a freaking movie. i was THIS close
ME (12:14:17 PM): What stopped you baby?
TONY (12:14:31 PM): casting calls stopped AUGUST 30TH
ME (12:14:35 PM): Awwwww
TONY (12:14:41 PM):;jsessionid=0nN6H4sZ1J9L3mzpQFdJjqmtHmkwnvMDP3G72LGw8TQQJrJh1tmX!-1953013726?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pg_article&r21.pgpath=%2FDCT%2FHome&r21.content=%2FDCT%2FHome%2FContentTab_Feature_1088752ME (12:14:42 PM): Sorry sugs.
TONY (12:15:07 PM): the mall is right near my house, i've been going there since i was 3
ME (12:15:23 PM): *winces* Ouch. That has got to sting
TONY (12:15:29 PM): it does. a LOT. but i still want to get their autographs
ME (12:15:47 PM): That sucks. I hope you have good luck
ME (12:16:03 PM): XD. Poor Tony. He's so put upon.
TONY (12:16:14 PM): i want to die
ME (12:16:23 PM): If you were a cooking magizine, where would you hide? Monday nights are my nights for dinner.
TONY (12:16:45 PM): lmfao
ME (12:17:08 PM): And my cooking mag. with my dinner recipe has gone and made love with the pixies in my house meaning that its NOT here...
TONY (12:17:16 PM): my suburb area is the next hollywood
ME (12:17:17 PM): Damn pixies.
TONY (12:17:20 PM): hahah
ME (12:17:20 PM): LOL
TONY (12:17:23 PM): dude
ME (12:17:25 PM): Poor Tony
TONY (12:17:27 PM): m night shamalan lives here
TONY (12:17:30 PM): shot three movies here
TONY (12:17:32 PM): now this
TONY (12:17:39 PM): the phrase "in god we trust" was made here
TONY (12:17:42 PM): fucking
ME (12:17:44 PM): Your 15 minutes of fame will come m'dear.
TONY (12:17:50 PM): vince papali went to MY SCHOOL
ME (12:18:09 PM): Why the hang up with famous people? Who wants that kind of attention? Its not fun.
TONY (12:18:17 PM): omg i know it's so dumb
TONY (12:18:20 PM): but i can't HELP IT
TONY (12:18:21 PM): i love them
ME (12:18:35 PM): lol. You are a fanboy straight through and through, eh midear?
TONY (12:18:42 PM): omg yes
ME (12:18:42 PM): It'll be ok.
TONY (12:18:44 PM): with everyone
TONY (12:18:45 PM): authors
TONY (12:18:47 PM): actors
TONY (12:18:48 PM): i mean
ME (12:18:52 PM): lol.
TONY (12:18:54 PM): LIKE
TONY (12:18:54 PM): OMG
ME (12:19:10 PM): XD. I can see that your positively writhing out of your skin with the glamour of it all.
TONY (12:19:23 PM): i am
TONY (12:19:26 PM): i hate the burbs
TONY (12:19:27 PM): dude
ME (12:19:34 PM): Some how, some way, I'm sure you will survive.
TONY (12:19:45 PM): i won't though
TONY (12:19:47 PM): i'll die
ME (12:19:46 PM): Go move to the city.
TONY (12:19:54 PM): which one
ME (12:19:59 PM): Get out of po-dunk suberbia and live your life.
ME (12:20:03 PM): Any one.
TONY (12:20:17 PM): nyoo
TONY (12:20:18 PM): i can;t
ME (12:20:24 PM): My sissa lives in Atlanta, I live in B-ham, (Cuz thats how we do it down south)
ME (12:20:36 PM): Go to New York.
TONY (12:20:42 PM): i WISH
TONY (12:20:43 PM): WISH
ME (12:20:56 PM): File in with the other masses of people that are unhappy with their ho-hum exsistances. Be big.
ME (12:21:20 PM): Be a star and just enjoy it. Life is a blink of an eye in the cosmic scheme of things.
TONY (12:21:36 PM): dude.
TONY (12:21:37 PM): i
TONY (12:21:38 PM): wish
ME (12:22:09 PM): Look, keep your dreams. File this moment away in your memory as one of those things you never will repeat and move on to better things. It'll be ok, I swear.
ME (12:22:30 PM): Oh, and Young Goodman Brown is a better story by Hawthorne than Scarlett Letter. Just so you know.
TONY (12:22:45 PM): ew
ME (12:22:52 PM): ^_^
ME (12:23:06 PM): Thought I'd interget a little of 'ew' into the conversation.
TONY (12:22:57 PM): brb
TONY (12:23:00 PM): chinese foo
ME (12:23:14 PM): kks
TONY (12:25:21 PM): i wanna get their autoooo's
TONY (12:25:29 PM): but i don't know when they'll be filming
TONY (12:25:35 PM): beginning of december i think
TONY (12:25:39 PM): i need to stand out there..
TONY (12:25:40 PM): and wait
TONY (12:25:42 PM): and take lots of pics
ME (12:25:58 PM): You are so funny. Go to LA and become a member of the papparazzi. You'd be good at it.
TONY (12:26:06 PM): I KNOW
TONY (12:26:26 PM): but what if they make us go away..
TONY (12:26:31 PM): and they doin't sign auto's..
TONY (12:26:32 PM): no she will
TONY (12:26:34 PM): she's nice
TONY (12:26:34 PM): yeah
ME (12:26:33 PM): lol
TONY (12:26:37 PM): and so's susan
TONY (12:26:37 PM): yeah
TONY (12:26:38 PM): YEAH
ME (12:26:43 PM): I am so glad that I'm not Susan. lol.
ME (12:26:57 PM): Then you wouldn't talk to me, you'd just sit there and drool and bable.
ME (12:27:05 PM): zomgSUSANzomg...
TONY (12:27:08 PM): LMAO
ME (12:27:09 PM): See?
TONY (12:27:15 PM): nyo...
ME (12:27:20 PM): Nyo?
ME (12:27:29 PM): Isn't that the sound a cat makes when its hungry?
TONY (12:27:36 PM): nyoo..
ME (12:27:49 PM): oh!
ME (12:28:00 PM): No. Except its Nyooooo....
TONY (12:28:07 PM): NYES!
ME (12:28:21 PM): lol. My cat makes that sound too
TONY (12:28:29 PM): lol
ME (12:28:42 PM): What did you think about the bane at the Lexicon?
TONY (12:29:08 PM): i think they're all ass holes
TONY (12:29:09 PM): basically
ME (12:29:14 PM): Really?
TONY (12:29:28 PM): really
ME (12:29:32 PM): I am so different. I was sort of relieved.
ME (12:29:48 PM): Its so hard to keep up with anything on the Lex. Its become so petty.
TONY (12:30:02 PM): they want to restrict convo and restrict peoeple expressing their opinions because they think it's the wrong one
ME (12:30:12 PM): No...I think they want to keep things on topic
TONY (12:30:18 PM): no
ME (12:30:35 PM): Ah. You mean about the people who hate Jacob versus those who don't, right?
TONY (12:31:05 PM): yeah. i think he's a selfish dog, but you see, i can't express that anymore
TONY (12:31:10 PM): because he simply "isn't"
ME (12:31:10 PM): lol
ME (12:31:21 PM): Not laughing at you, just imagining your tone of voice
TONY (12:31:38 PM): oh i know. i'm fucking hilarious
ME (12:31:57 PM): Does that make you happy?
TONY (12:32:04 PM): no
TONY (12:32:15 PM): being in a movie and meeting rachel and susan would make me happy
TONY (12:32:18 PM): but that'll never happen
ME (12:32:23 PM): Life just sucks, don't it?
TONY (12:32:29 PM): doesn't*
TONY (12:32:30 PM): and yes
TONY (12:32:31 PM): it do
ME (12:33:08 PM): I am suddenly feeling like I need to channel Ursula from the little mermaid
TONY (12:33:17 PM): fuck her
TONY (12:33:21 PM): that fat ass ho
ME (12:33:35 PM): I mean the song she sings to Ariel when making the love potion.
TONY (12:33:46 PM): lool
ME (12:33:51 PM): "Life's just full of tough choices, IDN'T it?!"
TONY (12:34:00 PM): lol
ME (12:34:19 PM): Life's full of tough choices, inn'nt it?
TONY (12:34:25 PM): i g too g
ME (12:34:27 PM): alrighty
TONY (12:34:34 PM): BAI
ME (12:34:34 PM): good luck with the autographs
TONY (12:34:38 PM): THANKS!@
TONY (12:34:54 PM): even though there's no way to predict what day in the beginning of dec. they'll be there
TONY (12:34:57 PM): and i have school all day
TONY (12:34:58 PM): so yeah
TONY (12:35:01 PM): my life sucks
ME (12:35:05 PM): look at the bright side
ME (12:35:10 PM): At least its your life.
ME (12:35:14 PM): And not someone else's
TONY (12:35:23 PM): EW
ME (12:35:26 PM): see?
ME (12:35:34 PM): You could be a parasite living someone else's life!
ME (12:35:40 PM): Now I want to read THE HOST...
TONY (12:36:10 PM): MM
ME (12:36:14 PM): ttyl
This is, of course, cut for length. I will warn some people that Tony has a bit of a potty mouth. As Rainy Lane would say, "Pretty Ladies don't have ugly mouths" but he's no lady so I suppose its not a big deal.
Anyway, that is your infusion of Deni for the day...go forth and beat thy sons into well mannered and content individuals!!!