Nov 09, 2007 11:01
I still haven't scrubbed out the bathroom tub, BUT!
I have cleaned out about 40 books.
I also discovered that I am missing 1/2 of my Feehan collection. Grrr...So I am definitely going to be trying to hunt down Debra. SHE HAS MY FEEHANS DAMN IT!!!
Books missing:
Dark Guardian (Paperback)
Dark Secret (Paperback)
Dark Demon (Paperback)
Dark Celebration (Hardback)
Dark Possession (Hardback)
And Danielle, if you're reading this, could you remind me of which Lackey and Peirce books I lent you? I am also having problems finding my Libba Bray books....
And mouse...which books did I lend you? I just am trying to remember so I don't go and buy repeats again
Still...This shall not pass. I know where Debra works, I have her cell phone number and if she thinks I won't keep calling then she's crazy.
Alright. That's all for now. Off I go to get dressed and make my bed and scrub my tub and mail a check to my mommy and books will be sent to the Used Book store.