2010 queries, questions, musings and squeeage!

Apr 23, 2009 21:58

Right, at the end of the ep, when the note has come through, Jack asks if P4C 970 is on the mission list and Gen Hammond replies that it was, but now he's locking it out. So that means, in the 2010 timeline the events of 2001 didn't happen right? Because they made contact with P4C 970 first, with no reason to be suspicious. So they didn't meet the folks on the farm planet, and they didn't go digging around for not-so-ancient ruined cities. Right?

Just trying to get my head around it. I have fic brewing and at first I was thinking it would have to follow the first bits of 2001 and then deviate, but on the rewatch today...nope. That's not it at all. Which is actually kinda very cool and gives me much more freedom. Heh.

Also, while we were watching today, we got to the part in the briefing room and OH and I had the following conversation:

OH: Jack's jealous.
Me: *squee* *grabs OH's arm* See? Now you're getting it!!
OH: Your fault, you're putting these things in my head.
Me: *Squees and grins smugly* But doesn't it make the show so much better?
OH: *grumbles*

Hehehe!! I'm turning him into a proper fanboy! :D  A rather reluctant fanboy at the moment, but he's getting there! :)

stargate, 2010, fanfic, squeeage

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