Well I like to close my eyes and think of England...

Apr 23, 2009 20:17


To all my English flisters! Should be a bank hol, should it not? And will someone please tell me why we make such a fuss about Guinness Day and not about today? I don't get it at all.

I kinda feel like I should be in a pub dinking pints of Bombardier! LOL! Maybe I can celebrate belatedly at the weekend... I shamefully have no English alcohol in the house, only Fosters (Hmmm, could be at a stretch, I think it's brewed here...), Baileys and vodka. Hmm. Will have to fix that tomorrow and get some good English beer in. Especially if the weather's nice (five days! yes! that's FIVE days of sunshine we've had!!). A few bottles of a nice real ale methinks. :)

I think I might finally pull the cellophane off the DVD case and finally watch Much Ado About Nothing....seems appropriate to be indulging in a little Shakespeare today. :D

st. george's day

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