(no subject)

Mar 14, 2010 13:45

I didn't go with OH and MIL and his Nana to lunch. I feel like crap. It was an effort to even get out of bed and get dressed today, but being horizontal = chokage. Drugs, feel free to start working anytime now, 'kay?

I really don't want to take any more sick days, especially since my boss told me I might already not get this job because of the amount of time I've had off sick. I might have to. If I feel like this tomorrow, there's no way I can work.

How is this getting worse?! I spent all the time it was snowing wishing spring would hurry up and get here. Now, it can fuck right off thanks. There's not even anything growing yet!


Feeling quite sorry for myself today, just in case you hadn't got that.

rl - family, rl - health

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