Today's Tweets

Mar 13, 2010 23:30

Tweets under the cut

  • 23:44 @ Jason_Manford There are still Nova's kicking around? I thought the boy racers had all upgraded to Corsa's. #
  • 23:48 LOL! #1 TT in the UK... Fish Odour Syndrome. I love my country sometimes. #
  • 23:59 @ bluejelloqueen That's only number 4 in the UK. Lol. #
  • 09:06 Toying with a Jack/T idea. This is not what my brain is supposed to be focussing on. #
  • 09:38 @ replicarter8022 Ooooh that's pretty!! :) #
  • 13:58 @ not_a_zatarc Allergies? Me too. :( It sucks. #
  • 18:29 Oooh, you can't beat a good AIM rant about how the writers screwed up a ship... #
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