Haven't done this in a while... Sanctuary: Veritas ep review.

Dec 13, 2009 22:39

I was pretty bored so I thought I'd turn off the lappy and catch up with some TV. Had to turn it back on because Sanctuary has just knocked me for six!

Veritas... I'm now 9 mins in and I'm already crying!! Big Guy! *sniffles* Helen! OMG, how does Amanda Tapping look so gorgeous when she cries? *sobs*

And Henry!! *wails* This show is killing me this season. Bearing in mind I'm completely spoiler free, I'm having a hard time getting my head around Ashley's death and then this! :(

Ryan Robbins hasn't even moved yet and he's managing to give off a wave of utter dispair. He's such a great actor. I think he was very under-used in Season one and I'm so glad they're giving him good stuff to work with this year.

Heh, Will gets The Big Chair.

"I think she's a weirdo all the time" Nice Kate. Way to be sensitive.

Triad...sounds familiar...

Jo!!! :D

Sending in telepaths...huge invasion of privacy and doesn't qute seem ethical, even in a murder investigation.

Oooh Declan/Will... that could be... interesting.

Oh god...they're gonna watch him get killed? Oh Henry! :( Seriously, Ryan Robbins, amazing!

These people clearly haven't seen Smoke and Mirrors. The only reason someone looks directly into a camera after committing a murder is to frame someone else. The person clearly has a mimic device. *hopes it's not really Helen*

Crazy Helen! I like crazy Helen, even if it is heartbreaking. Wow, Amanda! WOW.

"You already knocked me out once today. One per day, that's your limit" LOL.

Ooh, what's Henry found?

I don't want Declan to be a baddie! :(

Will's goodbye is heartbreaking. :*(

Oh no! What?! Definitely something wrong with Helen.

WTF? Where's Big Guy??

Big Guy's not dead??? YAY! But...uh...WHAT??

Spelling Nazi. Heh.

Oh Jo was the baddie? Better than Declan I suppose.

Helen's crazy. Fucking CRAZY. That's the wackiest plan ever! And she looks so proud of herself for scaring the shit out of everyone.

Oh thank god.

The head thwacking is too damn cute. :)

ep review, tv, sanctuary

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