Weekly word count

Dec 13, 2009 21:31

Mon 7th Dec: 90 words
Tues 8th Dec: 0 words
Wed 9th Dec: 0 words
Thu 10th Dec: 238 words
Fri 11th Dec: 94 words
Sat 12th Dec: 1201 words
Sun 13th Dec: 299 words

Weekly Target: 1400 words
Weekly Total: 1922 words

Monthly Target: 6200 words
Monthly Total: 3246 words

I was worried for a while there...two zeros and two days under target, but thanks to dieastra for sparking my imagination enough to write 1200 words in about an hour last night!

I might have picked the worst month to start doing this. Lol. I've just looked at December and there are so many days I'll have to just strike off as "no words" days. Just too much stuff happening. I guess we'll see...

word count, fanfic, writing

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