SGU: Light

Oct 27, 2009 20:14

Wow, Greer. That really is beautiful. I like this character more each episode.

Awwww, Eli! I was really loving the Eli/Chloe interaction last ep. And where the hell has Chloe/Matt come from? I know they had a few moments, but the first few eps only span a few days don't they? Hmmmm, not sure if I like that or not.

I really really don't like Ming Na's character! *frowns* Could she be more selfish? And she seems like kind of a bitch. Is that intentional? Is she supposed to be disliked? IDK, but I'm not warming to her at all.

Young on the other hand I'm starting to love! :) He's reminding me of Jack alot in this ep.

Calmer Rush this week. I like crazy!Rush, but I don't think I could handle it every ep. Lol.

Wait...his life's work? I thought he'd been working on the ninth chevron thing for just over a year?

LOVE the Rush/Young conversation.

The lottery...damn. Great that he's done it in front of everyone. He'd have to really, but oh god! What a situation to be in! And Eli didn't get picked! And Chloe didn't get picked! :(

Wow, this show is pretty. The scene where they're watching the shuttle go off and seeing the Destiny from the gorgeous. I love all five of them right now. (I wonder what Rush is reading? I don't think I could spend my last hours reading a "truly mediocre" book). Awww, and some more Chloe/Eli. I think I might be shipping them. They're so cute. :)

Greer decked Telford?? LOL!

Gah! LOVING Young here...

Haha! They just left mouthy guy where he fell on the floor?

There are far too many "s" sounds in The Lord's Prayer. The tresspasses bit always sounds so funny to me when a whole group of people say it slightly out of synch.

Shouldn't it be Dr. Brody?

WOW. I know I said it before, but this show is PRETTY!!

"I've never been more happy to be wrong in my entire life." Heh.

Ooh, clever Ancients! :)

Hee and back to Stargate SOP...just when you think the problem is solved...uh oh!! No it's not! Quick Rush, do your Carter thing! We need a crazy plan ASAP.

Math boy!! LOL! *squishes Eli*

FYI, Rush does NOT like having his hair ruffled. Lol.

Ooooooh evil!Rush is back....or is he? Dun dun duuuuuuunnn!!!

I love this show. *happy sigh*

ep review, tv, sgu

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