I think I'm hooked.

Oct 07, 2009 20:38

This is when I know a show has grabbed me. When I've been turning little things over and over in my head. Coming up with questions that were either answered and I forgot the answer, or in this case, questions that really weren't answered! I will rewatch tomorrow when (and IF) my Sky box records Air pt 1 properly tonight.

Incidentally, it has made our Sam/Jack/Siler verse waaaaaaaay AU! Lol! But I'm ok with that. :)

Work. Ugh!!!!!! Friday please so I can go back to just being little old me and not me + colleague. And tomorrow, me + colleague - boss! Yikes! I hate that. There's bound to be some big THING happen that I don't know how to deal with by myself yet.

My cousin had a baby! :D At the weekend she had a little girl. And she really was little! Only 5lb! Haven't seen her yet. She's four days old and there aren't even pics on my cousins Facebook yet. Tch! *g*

And for anyone who's ever beta'd for anyone, and especially for anyone who's beta'd for me Go Read This fantastic post by annerbhp

*squishes lolmac and wanderingsmith*

rl - work, rl - family, fanifc, sgu

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