Writer's Block: Parental Involvement

Jul 26, 2009 16:44

Hmm, in a word, "no". I don't consider us friends. The longer answer would take more than the 10,000 words I can fit in a post. Far too much shit to go into. I don't trust them, don't particularly like them, occassionally feel like I really do despise them...I keep the peace purely for the sake of my sister's and the rest of the family. I suppose you could say I have...issues.

On a brighter note, it appears we have a Blu-Ray player! :D It's in the lappy! OH has known all along, I didn't have a clue! So today we bought a HDMI cable and we're gonna try and hook it up to the TV. :) This is awesome. Also, will my lappy's DVD player be region free? That would be beyond awesome! :D

I got paid today (a day early! woop woop!)  so I re-ordered Children of the Gods from the cockwombles. *g* I also treated myself to MacGyver season 2! :D Should be here by Wednesday.

I want a Wii. We have no space in our living room for it though. Very little floor space. Is it bad that I'm considering which pieces of furniture we could move into another room just to accomodate the Wii? Or that I suggested to OH that we could convert the box room into a Wii room? Heh.

writer's block, wii, tv, rl - family

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