"And if I don't?"...."We'll beam you up to our spaceship"

Jul 25, 2009 14:23

Oh Jack!! I can not stop watching that trailer! I love it! Am ridiculously excited for this show now. Not even just because of RDA, the actual show looks amazing! Robert Carlyle! That accent.... *melts*

I searched around for a UK air date and all I found was that Sky 1 have bought it (Yay! Go Sky 1!! ) and are showing it in autumn. No specific date. I hope we don't get left too far behind the US. Resiting spoilers and missing out on the initial squee kills me!

Anyone know if ITV (3? 4? I don't remember which) have confirmed they're showing season 2 of Sanctuary? Plus, Warehouse 13 also starts "in autumn" on Sci-Fi (it's still Sci-Fi here, not SyFy. Yet. ). Everything is going to start at once isn't it? And I bet, out of the whole friggin week, at least two of them are on at the same time!

I might have to give in to OH's argument about Sky HD... just so we can have the double harddrive space of an HD box! That's worth an extra £10 a month methinks!

tv, sanctuary, sgu, squeeage, sci-fi, rda

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