honorh: Seed Pearls

Mar 08, 2008 18:07

honorh - Seed Pearls
Fandom: Dr WhoThis is an absolutely brilliant story that you must read! It tells the story of Rose's life in the new universe after the end of S2 and it's both totally unexpected and yet so immensely *right* that you'll want to read it again immediately.  The quote below is taken from the introduction to the story.
“Time heals all wounds, or at least that’s what humans say. It’s not true. Time has wounds of its own, in reality. And outside of reality, for that matter, but that’s not something you often have to worry about. To stay on the point, time itself can be wounded, and the universe with it.

“How? Generally, it happens in the way that flesh becomes wounded. Two things that are not supposed to encounter each other, at least not in a particular place or time or way, intersect, and a wound is created. Sometimes several wounds. A knife is a fine thing, and so is a finger; however, put the two together, and, well, I’m sure you see where this is going.

“So it is with time and the universe, and Rose Tyler. There was nothing inherently wrong with her new universe, nor with her. In fact, I’d say a great deal was right about them. Nonetheless, they were not supposed to come together. Mickey and Jackie could slip in because versions of themselves had been present in that universe and conveniently died, leaving something like placeholders. In Rose’s case, only a Yorkie had existed in her stead, and a human and a small, yappy dog are hardly the same thing. Hence, the wound to the universe.

Length: long (19 chapters)
Rating: MA
Pairing: Rose/OC, Rose/10thdoc

fandom:drwho, pair:rose/oc, drwho:10thdoc, author:honorh, drwho:rose, pair:10thdoc/rose

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