Blood Bytes - The Great Moppet Caper (
Pt 1,
Pt 2 &
Pt 3)
Fandom: BtVS
Someone is trying to steal the twin stone to the Gem of Amara from the Council Vaults and the one certainty is that the only people with the required knowledge and access are all Scoobies. Which of them is the traitor and why? Buffy is the only one that Giles can trust because she's been in Rome the whole time but he hasn't seen her in the year since Sunnydale fell. He's been busy rebuilding the Council, and she's been busy having a life in Rome. Now they must team up to become burglars - only it's going to be tricky, because they have a lot of repair work to do on their friendship first.
Length: long (3 parts)
Rating: MA
Pairing: Buffy/Giles, Xander/Dawn