Theme 30: My Heart Didn't Break, It Shattered

May 04, 2011 22:03

Today's theme:
My Heart Didn't Break, It Shattered1. Submit your drabble that fits this theme as a comment to this post. It should be between 100-300 words, if you go over/under a bit that's fine! If it's longer than say 400 words, I ask that you post on your journal or and then submit the link to this post. If you find that your ( Read more... )

theme 30: my heart didn't break it shatt

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rattyjol May 7 2011, 07:20:07 UTC
Fandom: Animorphs
Claim: fandom
Rating: PG
Drabbles completed so far: 9/100

She fumbles with the key in the lock, nearly dropping it in her haste to get inside. "Elfangor," she calls, the moment the door clicks shut behind her. There's no answer, even though his keys are on the table by the door. "Elfangor?"

Dread building in her gut, she draws up the blinds to check the street. His car is still there, the mustard yellow Mustang identical to the one he drove on the Taxxon home world. And she saw someone at the window when she pulled up. She's sure of it. Positive.

Her heart sinks down to her toes, smashes to pieces on the polished hardwood floor. He's gone, she knows it now. Her impossible alien, gone back into the sky as quickly and as unexpectedly as he had dropped from it years ago. She knew it had to happen sometime. No one escapes a war. (She learned that lesson long ago, when her father came home from Vietnam but never really returned at all.)

Suddenly there's a man before her. She doesn't recognize his face but she knows who he is.

"Ellimist," she says. "You took him."

"I did."


"It was necessary. As is this. I am truly sorry."

He reaches for her, and in a flash she realizes what's about to happen. A phrase springs unbidden to her mind, a forgotten line from a forgotten poem she heard long ago. Do not go gentle into that good night. Not quite what the author intended, perhaps, but close enough.

"No!" she screams, twisting away from him. He could freeze her in an instant if he liked, could wipe her memories without even restraining her and she'd never know the difference. But he doesn't.

"This is the only choice." Infuriatingly calm, he seems determined to get her consent first. She isn't going to give it.

She releases a stream of expletives, letting know exactly what she thinks of him and possibly adding a few choice words about his mother as well.

"Loren, please." He extends an open palm. An invitation.

"What about my child?" she says suddenly, hoarsely. Her arms cross over her abdomen. "Elfangor's child?"

"He will live," is all he says.

"Doesn't he deserve to know about his father?" she snaps. "Don't do this to him."

"He will know." The Ellimist smiles sadly, mysteriously, back at her, and she realizes that she's crying, tears running wet tracks on her cheeks. "He will follow his father's legacy."

She looks down at her still-flat stomach, imagines the child inside growing up to be as extraordinary as the creature that sired him. She squeezes her eyes shut, replaying the memories one last time.

"Okay," she whispers.

Loren opens her eyes to an empty house. Her cheeks are wet. Why is she crying?

"Loren!" Brian yells from the kitchen. Something smashes. Drunk again. "What the fuck are ya doing out there?"

She looks down. Please, please, don't let this baby turn out like his father.


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