Gooch, my freind

Jan 04, 2004 15:24

I’m having a party next weekend. I invited a lot of friends. We’ll have to see what goodie can wrangle from my anime friends to bring along... He has all these you know, porno type things. I like them. I have to wonder what gave hideous birth to the idea that nature is universally good. Nature is exactly why I took my sexuality behind a barn and killed it with an axe like the deformed swine that it was. Fuck it though, those films goodie has are good. Don’t tell me that *Nature has failed us* because it really hasn’t. Witness the fear response: sweaty palms and a racing heart may have meant the difference between life and death for a knuckle-dragging ancestor faced with a predator, but tell me what they avail us during a job interview or a hostage situation. The sex response is in the same boat--the impulse to repopulate lest a freak storm wipe out the species (this is why sex summons a flood of addictive hormones--what better way to ensure the perpetuation of the species than to addict them to the process?) ill serves us in the day and age of billions, yet still we allow our outdated bodies to seize command of our comparatively brilliant minds at the drop of a skirt, despite the fact that we ought to know better. Goodie isn’t really into most of the stuff -- being led around by his hormones he’s excusable for a being that, compared to us, doesn't have a mind, but we are the lords of the earth. Yet for Gooch, the obsolescence of impulse conspires with the cultish pack instinct of the mob mind to ensure that every high school student either offers his virginity as a sacrifice for acceptance--one is reminded of the cliche of tossing virgins down a well to gain the favor of the gods--or is tortured by his peers until he rebuts with a pickaxe (or, given the lamentable death of creativity manifesting in the modern student precisely because of this phenomenon, a twelve-gage). Yes, it's probably always been this way, but does that mean it always SHOULD be this way?

Well, we’ll find out then. My aim in flouting sexuality is to cast it in a sharp enough relief to be examined for what it is instead of what society tells you to think of it. (Kind of what Marilyn Manson has deluded himself into thinking he's doing inbetween rather childish episodes of orally pleasuring his bandmates onstage and wiping himself with the American flag.) I've flown across the country for sex...I've also refused to drive 20 minutes. Of course, the former was FAR more worthy. <>: Good! The last thing I want is some idiot running around with a clone of themselves. <>: Very clever! <>: Yes. <>: Look, carbonated prune juice by any other name would be as lame. <>: That's lame. He's not evil enough. <>: The world of computer privacy disappearing. Go hit slashdot over the last month or so. <>: Ah, yes. Me too. <
>: Hardcover. <>: Did it really take you an elipsis and a space to do that math? <>: Yes, but he's one out of thousands. <>: Because I firmly believe that some are just too damaging.
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