No trip updates today, but let's talk about my day instead. Or the last few days.
Sunday I was slightly out of it, and yesterday I was completely zonked. Not enough sleep (I can't sleep in very easily, so late nights are bad for me).
But, I'm back at uni! And I'm much more enthusiastic than over summer school. Yesterday I didn't have any classes (or none that I had any hope of getting too), but I went in to help out with Orientation week stalls (which I wasn't needed for) and to buy text books and sort out my enrollment. Thus, I sat in queues for a while.
Now I am no longer enrolled in French, but in two state 2 stats papers, of which I intend to get A level grades. I'm rather excited about doing maths type things. It took some chatting to convince that I am actually able to take the papers - I took the prerequisites so long ago that things have changed a fair bit. I did stage 1 stats in 1996! (Got an A+ btw), and the stage 2 maths prereq in 1997. But it'll be fun - I feel like I need to refresh my maths side.
I have more maths type stuff in ECON 304 (Firms and Markets), ECON 212 (Game Theory and Econ Applicatn). I don't intend going to the lectures for 212 (I can't, it's at 10am and I suck big time at getting to 10am lectures), and I'm a bit worried because no notes have shown up online yet (stats puts up recorded lectures!), but I *do* intend going to 304. Apparently there is a group project, where we play a simulation game using the theory of the class by pretending to run a firm and compete against the rest of the class. Nifty.
Today I went to my first lecture, and it wasn't 304 (though it was meant to be, but I was needed elsewhere). Instead it was for Spanish. I intend to learn at least one language, and it looks like it'll be Spanish, and I'm quite excited about that too. Looks like it'll be a fun course.
I've signed up for a couple of clubs, including the usual (Campus Feminist Collective, Amnesty, Animal Advocacy on Campus - AAC, Veda), plus I added Engineers Without Borders, and the Maths club (they play board games). There's a few more I'd like to join, but I need to find the guts to do it.
While standing around the SAFE stall (where we were signing up AAC people), a Women Studies lecturer came up, and said she used to do a bit of SAFE stuff in Wellington (I think), and was keen on doing stuff in Auckland - and she joined AAC. It was funny, I'd been involved in conversations regarding the number of vegans in the CFC - and here is a feminist joining an AR club (the club I helped start!) The very same lecturer who got me into reading chicklit about red-headed bounty hunters... (yeah, she recognized me).
Down at the Animal Freedom Aotearoa table they were watching ladybirds humping.
I also went to the gym.
I have to say things have been rather mind-blowing. I don't think I've quite come to terms with the effect of Fiji on me, and there are just so many things in my life. And so many amazing people.
Dennis, the cat, didn't keep away like usual, while feeding at the colony - he came up right close like, and it was very obvious that he is a sick cat. It looks like I'm the only one who can take him on at the moment. Sigh. I want my lounge back.
Cillian and Pickles though are doing spiffy out back. Cillian is getting back to being more sociable - apparently he enjoys Marmite on toast next door! But he seems a lot more comfortable around me - they now come up to me when I put the food out - just like the old days back at the colony! (when in the house, they would wait until I left before eating). And they are eating a lot - far more than before - which is good, because Cillian was looking too thin (Pickles is much chubbier). Now he's looking his handsome unscrawny self.