
Apr 20, 2010 12:29

(The feed turns on to show Hatori, sitting in the hospital. As soon as he notices that the comm is recording, he opens his mouth to speak. However, before he has the chance to do so, he turns to the door, as if looking at someone who had just entered.

His hand lowers the comm ever so slightly, and he stares in the direction for quite a while.  He makes a move to stand, but stops, pauses, and then slowly sits back down. After a few minutes, he closes his eyes to regain himself before turning back to look at the comm.)

While I understand the circumstances of the scream may provoke fear, it would be best if everyone remained as calm as possible. Panicking will only make the situation worse.

In addition, it would seem that many have been having hallucinations. Should anyone begin to see things that are normally not there, such as a person or place, it would be best to contact either a member of the hospital staff or, if you are unable, someone who is closer to you. It is important that you do so, as hallucinations have the potential of being dangerous to one's health and safety. If you begin to feel, or notice someone who feels, different in any other way, then the same precautions should also be taken.

(He glances back over at the door quickly before turning the feed off)

ayame, everyone calm down, have to stay strong, be careful, hiro, doctor stuff, should take his own advice, that was a loud scream, kakeru, yuki, kagura, only a memory, kanna, i don't believe in ghosts, well this sucks, hatsuharu

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