I've been watching the events unfold in northern Japan since Friday morning. The degree of devastation left by monstrous earthquake (and after shocks) followed by the seemingly endless terrible videos of the tsunami have really left me emotionally drained. Though the nuclear reactor(s) situation is very serious, it is in no way the same order of magnitude as
the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. I work in the State's Environmental Radiation Program and part of our mission is to monitor the
Savannah River Site plus the two nuclear reactors located in Georgia. Though no expert on nuclear reactors, I have ready access to those who had worked with them.
Still, things are pretty grim in Northern Japan.
This week's SHINY is dedicated to all those who died in this disaster, their loved ones and those in search teams, security forces and the workers at the nuclear plants.
"Starry Nights"...
NGC 869-884 - the Double Cluster
NGC 2362 - the Tau Canis Majoris Cluster