A Roaring Good time!
Last Saturday
pixelmonster and I spent most of the afternoon at Northwest Georgia's brand new
Tellus Museum as part of national astronomy day. We and several others were there as representatives of the Atlanta Astronomy Club. Over 2500 people came in that day to see the BIG dinosaurs, mineral/gem exhibits, modern planetarium shows and to check out the 20-inch scope in the observatory.
Let's go check out the Museum!
Entering the Museum..
Entering the Great Hall..
..there was this HUGE skeleton of a the giant planet eating dinosaur
Diplodocus. Like most fossil skeletons in this (and most other) museums - this is a reproduction made of hard resin. Still, it was most impressive. Our little group can be seen in the picture across from this beast.
Pixie checks out a LARGE amethyst geode.
Ack! The Giant Sloth poots ancient gas on the pixie!
Stan, the 40' long Tyrannosaurus rex
The fierce looking Appalachiasaurus
Though half the size of T. rex, (20') - this was one nasty looking predator. This and most of the large skeletons are reproductions. However, they do have a real smilodon (saber tooth cat) and woolly mammoth remains to check out (a future post),
Here is cute, albeit over sized turtle..
This guy was about 12' across and a real favorite of the Pixie's.
There was all sorts of SHINY goodies in the gem/mineral exhibit - here's a sample:
(A nice big malachite "caterpillar" looking crystal)
Here's the doctor's favorite place (other than the dinosaurs):
And the 'pretty' inside - a research grade 20-inch telescope!
And here's the awesome news - the doctor will be assisting the astronomy director with CCD and DSLR imaging. So with luck, I hope to be posting some *really* high grade images over the next few months as we work the 'bugs out'.
I hope you enjoyed today's selection of science SHINY. Over the upcoming weeks and months, more SHINY images will be posted (I took over 100 images).
Now it's time to scritch the Shadow Kitty because she needs attention too!