I need a break from all things mental

Feb 03, 2006 15:55

Goodness, Long day. I have to take this break and relax. Anyhow.

A rather involved meme

[Are you left handed or right handed?] right
[Are you smart?] Yes
[What's your middle name?] Ann
[How many personalities do you have?] One very complicated one
[How many piercing do you have?] Piercings? You mean earrings? one in each ear. I'm not a punk, silly.
[What was your first word?] mum
[Are you superstitious?] Yes
[Do you read your horoscope] No
[Do you believe in that stuff?] No, it's really far to generic to actually be a useful prediction of anything. The "science" is stupid. That said, I do like fortune cookies. ;)
[Can you do a cartwheel?] Nope. But I can barrel roll on an ice rink.
[Do you have contact lenses?] No
[Do you have a retainer or braces?] no
[Can you drive?] Yes
[Do you snore?] Not that anyone's ever told me. ;)
[Do you drool in your sleep?] No
[Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?] Sponge
[Do you keep a journal?] Yes
[Do you like onions?] Don't really care one way or the other
[Do you like cotton candy?] No
[Do you like pina coladas?] No
[What instruments can you play?] Fiddle
[What words do you overuse?] that being said, b'y, I'se
[What do you sleep in?] *blush* a bed. Mily's arms, when I can.
[How many pillows do you have?] hehehe real pillows? 2 Human? 1, occasionally. :)
[Do you like to dance?] No
[Do you like to sing?] yes
[Are you any good at it?] a bit
[Do you like to talk on the phone?] No
[Do you like where you live?] Yes
[Is your room messy?] No
[Do you like to fingerpaint?] No
[What do you smell like?] umm, I don't really notice... soap, Athosian spicy shampoo, and probably electrical wiring Depends on what I work on.
[Are you organized?] Yes
[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] no
[Do you sleep with socks on?] not since I left Boston.
[Are you shy?] Usually, but not at work.
[Do you talk to yourself?] enough to drive people crazy, I'm told.
[Got any lucky charms?] Heh. A lead crystal flower and a bracelet my father gave me.
[Are you a morning person?] No. Is any scientist? <-- what he said.
[What's your iq?] High enough to annoy soldiers and intrigue scientists.
[Are you a virgin?] No
[Are you proud of that?] I guess... I'm happy now, if that's what you mean.
[Do you believe in reincarnation?] Yes
[Do you believe in God?] Yes, several
[Do you believe in aliens?] yes
[Do you believe in ghosts?] Yes
[Do you believe in bigfoot?] ...I believe that the people are seeing something.
[Do you believe in the loch ness monster?] See above
[What's your favorite feature (on yourself)?] My hair
[How old do you wish you were?] I really don't tend to think about that stuff that often.
[What will you name your daughter?] I was a tomboy most of the time growing up. I didn't really do the girly "I'll name a child this" kind of things.
[Son?] never thought about it.
[Have you ever thought you were gonna die?] Yes
[Where do you wanna go?] I prefer where I am
[What religion are you?] My family was Presbyterian, but I became Pagan soon after leaving home for school
[What's the best advice you've ever been given?] Reach for the rigging, but keep your feet on deck.
[What's your motto?] Love


1: Been kissed? Yes
2: Done drugs? No
3: Eaten an entire box of Oreos? No
4: Been on stage? yes
5: Dumped someone else? No
6: Gotten in a car accident? No
7: Watched "Punky Brewster"? No
8: Been in love? Yes


9: Shampoo: that spicy Athosian stuff Teyla's people make
10: Toothpaste: whatever doesn't taste like hell
11: Soap: honestly? I've been thinking about getting in some of my favorite... Lavendar.
12: Type of soup: mmmmm. crab bisque.
13: Room in your house: If you consider Atlantis my 'house'...my lab
14: Instrument: Fiddle


15: Coffee or hot chocolate? Coffee
16: Big or little? talented.
17: Lace or satin? Satin
18: New or old? Old
19: Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt? Neither
20: Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? Neither
21: Vogue or Material Girl? Neither
22: Jeans or cords? Jeans
23: Sweater or sweatshirt? Sweater
24: T-shirt or tank top? T-shirt
25: Skirt or dress? dress. sapphire blue. spaghetti straps and a swirly hem.
26: Wool or cotton? Cotton
27: Rose or Lily? Lily
28: The way it is or the way it was? The way it will be
29: Oldies or pop? Neither. Classical
30: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Oh, yes. *goofy smile*
31: Do you have a best friend? Yes. male and female

In the last 24 hours, have you...

32: Cried? Yes
33: Helped someone? Kind of
35: Gotten sick? No
36: Gone to the movies? No
37: Gone out for dinner? Yes
38: Said "I love you"?: Yes
39: Written a real letter? No
40: Moved on? No
41: Talked to an ex? No
42: Missed an ex? No
43: Written in a journal? Yes
44: Talked to someone you have a crush on? No
45: Had a serious talk? Yes
46: Missed someone? Yes
47: Hugged someone? Yes
48: Fought with your parents? No
49: Fought with a friend? Yes

Do you...

50: Wear eye shadow? No
51: Put on a "front"? Ummm, I try not to. I'm reserved/shy, but I wouldn't call it front.
52: Kiss on the first date? Rarely. very rarely
53: Have a crush on someone? No
54: Eat with your mouth open? No
55: If you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would be? I have one of an electrical circuit on my left ankle
56: What color is your floor/carpet in your room? beige
57: What was the last CD you bought? Natalie McMaster, can't remember the title
58: How did you spend last summer? In Atlantis ,
59: When's the last time you showered? This morning
60: Are you tired? yes
61: Are you lonely? sometimes
62: Are you happy? Yes
63: Are you wearing pajamas? No
64: Are you talking to someone online? Not at the moment
65: What are the initials of your crush/interest/spouse? RZ
66: What is your astrological sign? Taurus, but it's not something that's useful
67: What is the sign of your crush/interest/spouse? BLUSH dunno
68: What time is it? 6:57PM Atlantis Standard Time

memes, quirks, habits, radek

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