(no subject)

Aug 20, 2005 02:51

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet geekdoc? In a rather embarrassing Truth or Dare game.
2.~What would you do if you had never met morgue_minion? I wouldn't have someone to talk about the irrationality of human emotions with.
3.~What do you honestly think of julie_wilson? She's a very dynamic woman.
4.~Would or did kodythekowboy and catholicdoc go out? I don't think so,
5.~Have you ever liked laurie_wilson? He seems like a nice guy.
6.~If dr_harrington died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? I really didn't want you to die, that sucks.
7.~Would father_ray and dr_house_md make a good couple? Ew. No.
8.~Describe claude_stanton in 3 words: quiet, calm... uh... British
9.~Do you think dr_carr is hot? ...
10.~Would dr_harrington and jackcreegan make a lovely couple? They already do!
11.~What do you think of when you see catholicdoc? Not much, truthfully.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about dr_house_md: I confessed undying love to him once. But I'm pretty sure that's humilating to me, not him.
13.~Do you know any of doktor_ekeev's family members? No, I think they're all in Russia.
14.~What's claude_stanton's favorite color? ...Blue?
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is nurse_lansing? I'm not the right person to ask. Uh, 7 I guess.
16.~What would you do if mirabelle_jones just professed their undying love for you? Run away.
17.~What language does kodythekowboy speak? Texan.
18.~Who is snarkmistress going out with? Ray. :)
19.~Is claude_stanton a boy or a girl? I should hope he's a boy.
20.~Would michael_carr and mirabelle_jones make a good couple? I... don't think so.
21.~Who do you think prof_paulsen would be great with from this list? Uh... Laurie, perhaps.
22.~When was the last time you talked to dr_carr? A few weeks ago. I don't want to talk about it.
23.~What is laurie_wilson's favorite band? I have no idea.
24.~Does father_ray have any siblings? I don't think so.
25.~Would you ever date doktor_ekeev? Well. Uh. Yes.
26.~Would you ever date claude_stanton? I... suppose.
27.~Is prof_paulsen single? Yes.
28.~What is claude_stanton's last name? Stanton.
29.~What is michael_carr's middle name? I have no idea.
30~What is julie_wilson's fantasy? Hitting me with jello.
31.~Where does claude_stanton live? In a house...?
32.~Would you make out with geekdoc? ... He's a med student. My morals wouldn't let me.
33.~Are morgue_minion and doktor_ekeev best friends? Sure, why not.
34.~Does claude_stanton like claude_stanton? I should hope so.
35.~How did you meet michael_carr? The Truth or Dare game, again.
36.~Is dr_carr older than you? Yes.
37.~Is jackcreegan the sexiest person alive? But of course.
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