
Aug 06, 2005 02:02

I've been listening to this song a lot lately. Listened to it tonight over and over again. From Want Two.

I don't know what I'm doing
I don't know what I'm saying
I don't know why I'm watching all these white people dancing

I don't know where I'm going
But I do know that I'm walking
I don't know
Just away from this love affair

I can't say that I'm cruising
Not that I don't like cruising
Just that I'm bruising from you

I can't say that I'm waltzing
Not that I don't like waltzing
Would rather be waltzing with you

So I guess that I'm going
I guess that I am walking
I don't know
Just away from this love affair

I guess I could write something about it. That would be healthy. No one can see this. But I'm not going to; right now I'm too ashamed. I don't know what this song means, really... it's another of those that doesn't really have any connection to me, but it speaks to me any way.

Of course, right now, the only line that's speaking to me is the one about bruising.
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