It's been a while, kids

Jan 02, 2005 21:13

What's up everyone?! I haven't written in this thing for a long time but I will try and update everything as best as possible.

As you might have guessed finals are over (along with 1st semester) so I am kinda happy not to be stressing out about everything. I think they all went well, but I am really enjoying my vacation away from school right now.

Work kept me busy (one of the reasons I haven't been updating) as they had me working 40+ hour weeks even though I am part-time. God Bless Circuit Shitty. I actually am staying on (I was originally holiday temporary help) and that is good because I need the money for school. The only thing that really sucks is that they transferred me out of TVs into the music, games, and movies department. It just entails a lot of bitch work like finding and replacing tags for every little game and movie and cd. People always call and ask dumb questions like asking for music cds that I have never heard of and act like I should know. Another weird thing is that the department lead and a guy that work there are gay...literally; and it just gets kind of uncomfortable. I don't have a problem with gay people, but the one just says like, "Yeah, I would fuck him!" and shit like that. I know guys talk the same way about girls in front of other guys but I guess I'm just not used to it. The other guy just stares at me and this other kid and always tries to get us to help him out with shit. He's really weird.

My cousin's husband in California's sister and husband (that sounds a little confusing) is opening a Mongolian BBQ in Flint and they offered me a job as a waiter. I am pumped because of the tip money and the fact that the Mongolian wait staff really doesn't do much. It's not like you're constantly bringing people stuff except for drink refills and stuff. Should be fun. They don't open until February but that is only another month away so it's all good.

My love life is awesome these days because I have a girlfriend. Her name is Shelby and she was in my Bio class at college. She went to Swartz Creek and graduated the same year I did. She's really cool and has the same personality I have. We have a lot of stuff in common and my parents really like her. She's definetly a keeper.

The holidays were a lot of fun. I really like to get together with the family and hang out. My mom's side of the family had christmas a little early this year because my Grandma had to go back to Florida to go on a cruise. It was a good time except my Uncle was sick the whole time and throwing up so I didn't get to see him at all. My baby cousin Brooke was really cute like always. I got her this little talking Baby Elmo stuffed animal and a little robot that moves and lights up when you push buttons on it. My parents got me a gamecube which was pretty cool cause it has some good games for it.

Christmas eve was fun because we got to go to my cousin Vanessa's house for dinner. I got into a huge debate with her dad because he is a die-hard republican/Bush supporter and the world has enough of those kind of ignorant fools. Good times, though.

Christmas day we had some family and a few family friends over. My parents got me every DVD I wanted which was like 7 so that was cool. I got the Simpsons season 5 dvd which is awesome. Shelby came over later that night and met some more of my family and hung out.

For New Years Eve, Shelby and I went to my buddy from works party. It was cool hanging out and seeing my one boss drunk off his ass. After that we went to one of Shelby's friends house and hung out. I didn't really know anyone, but I got to spend New Years with her so that was cool.

The rest of break has been pretty cool. I've just had to work and hung out with friends and Shelby. I go back the 10th <---- which I'm not looking forward to, but it's all good.

Well, that's about it for now. I will try and write more often in this thing now that I have a little more time.

Everyone have a good holiday break and stay black.

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