Fanfic: Just a Matter of Time [ Chekov / McCoy ]

May 31, 2010 02:19

Title: Just a Matter of Time
Rating: R
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Chekov / McCoy
Disclaimer: If I owned it, would I be writing "fanfiction"? No. I own nothing. Pavel Chekov and Leonard McCoy belong to Paramount Pictures and Gene Roddenberry. May his soul rest forever on the great Federation Ship in the sky...
Summary: Pavel is sick of having his advances ignored by Doctor McCoy just because he's seen as a kid. Tonight he's going to prove that this kid can make the great Leonard McCoy beg for it.

Warning: This is going to have an OoC Chekov in that he has more confidence in himself than most fanfic writers give him. Also note that Chekov will not have his accent written in because it's tricky as hell to get it right because it's not a real Russian accent


Pavel Chekov hated being who he was. He really did. He didn't hate his name, per say. Pavel Andreievich Chekov was a good Russian name by many standards. He didn't hate that he was chief navigator of the U.S.S. Enterprise and one of the youngest bridge officers on record. No his problem with himself was that he was the seventeen year old chief navigator of Starfleet's flag ship and as a result no one on the ship took anything he said outside his duty seriously. Especially one Leonard McCoy, M.D., Chief Medical Officer and head surgeon. That was what really pissed him off.

Now Pavel wasn't an idiot. He knew what it must look like to someone outside his head. The youngest officer on the ship not so subtly flirting with the head surgeon, a man who was well known for his grumpy temperament, his love for alcohol and being best friends with the captain would seem like a move for power to some. Others might just see it as some fool kid who was starstruck in the worst possible way. Pavel knew that if he was any older, as in, let's say, twenty one, no one would think the same thing. He may be seventeen now but he knew what he wanted and what he wanted was Doctor Leonard McCoy.

While his previous attempts at flirting, so far, hadn't been met with any success, he was determined as all hell to find the one mechanism that would get the doctor to at least indulge him in his one simple request. He was no girl. There was no need to play cute and innocent to get the older man's attention. It might even creep him out all things considered. From what Pavel had heard the man was a father back on earth. No, from what the young ensign could understand, what Doctor McCoy needed was someone who had confidence and knew what they wanted without hesitation. Now the trick was to convince the man of this.

So when the Enterprise was given shore leave and the doctor had taken off to a tavern to drink, the first thing Pavel Chekov did was change out of his Starfleet uniform and into some civilian clothing he had managed to remember to bring with him during his tour of duty. It wasn't anything overly fancy. A pair of worn jeans that fit nicely and a tighter fitting t-shirt  was about the same as most civilians wore during the free time and Pavel even took the added step of adding a casual blazer to the ensemble, a pair of tennis shoes and a necklace his mother had given him before he left at fourteen. He shaved his face, styled his hair, even dabbled a bit of cologne on his neck. After making sure he had his essentials with him, Pavel made his way to the transporter room, not really looking twice at Scotty as he was beamed down. He was sure there would be enough chatter about why he was so dressed up when he got back.

The tavern McCoy had gone to was plenty crowded enough but Pavel didn't care. All he really was concerned about was where the doctor was and he wasn't all that hard to find seeing as he would be one of the few humans in this joint. With a smile on his face, the navigator didn't bother trying to put more confidence into his stance. He was confident enough as he was.

Sliding up to the doctor, he leaned against the bar and watched the man drink for a second or two. It must have been something good for him to knock it back that quickly. "You know doctor," he said with a playful smile curling on his face, "I don't know about you but there are much more interesting things I can think of to do while on shore leave than simply drinking in a tavern." He rested a hand on the older man's fore arm, a hint of what he had in mind without being too forward about it. After all, for an old man, McCoy was as skittish as a colt when it came to him.

He got a snort in reply and a roll of sharp hazel eyes. Good. He was mostly sober. "You and Jim have the same mind set kid. I'm surprised you're not with him picking up some cute lady alien to bring back to a hotel somewhere." His tone was gruff but Pavel could hear a hint of nervousness in it. Ah, so this trick was working.

The young Russian leaned in closer to the man, about the same height as him considering McCoy was sitting on a rather tall stool and slumping a bit against the bar itself. He let his lips rest against the shell of the doctor's ear as he said, softly, so only his intended could hear "What do you think I'm doing here, right now?" There was no missing the shiver than ran up the older man's spine at that so Pavel leaned back and let his victim think it over. "Unlike the captain, I don't need a woman in my bed to make the evening worth while, just a man worth his talk."

That made McCoy sit a little straighter in his seat and turn his full attention to the teenager watching him. He looked annoyed and more than a little angry but Pavel could read a touch of lust in those handsome eyes and knew whatever was about to be said was just an excuse. "Look, kid, frankly, I'm sick of this." Lies really. Even a real child could see that. "I've put up with it until now because I thought you'd grow out of it but this has gone a bit too far. Stop flirting with me. Now. It's not healthy."

Pavel laughed at the words McCoy said. His southern accent was peeking through his carefully controlled standard. "It's not healthy? For who doctor? For me?" He moved a little closer to the man, letting the hand that had rested on the doctor's forearm move up and down the surgeon's strong bicep appreciatively. Even through the layers he wore, Pavel could feel the strength of a man who did more than just bookwork and research in his life. "I think it's perfectly natural for a young man to flirt with whoever he wants. Maybe my flirting is unhealthy for you?" His smirk turned dirty. "After all, a gentleman like yourself developing such perverted thoughts over a junior officer? That must lead to some frustration and tension on your part that only adds to your stress and blood pressure level."

McCoy's glare did not diminish but there was no real heat in that gaze that Pavel could see, or rather, heat that was unwelcome. Without waiting for another invitation, he stepped closer between the surgeon's strong thighs his other hand grabbing the doctor firmly by the shorter hair at the back of his neck. He left no room for uncertainty as he tugged gently and forced the older man to maintain eye contact with him. "What do you say, doctor? You've been rather tense lately and I know of a perfect way for you to unwind. Are you willing to take the steps to let go of that tension or will I just have to make you tense up further?"

There was a growl of frustration in answer and a rough hand grabbing onto his curls, pulling him in close for one of the hottest kisses Pavel Chekov had ever been graced with. There was no gentleness, no tenderness. Not this time. There was only need and want and hunger. It was perfect. He clung with both hands to the other man, one on the sleeve of his shirt and the other still pulling at the soft, dark brown hair under his fingers. How long they stayed like that, kissing so greedily, he wasn't sure but the one thing Pavel did know was that when they separated, all he really wanted was more. "I'll give in this one time, kid," the doctor growled at him, his voice so low and rough Pavel just knew it would haunt his wet dreams for years to come, "but after this, you'll leave me alone, understand?"

Pavel Chekov grinned maliciously and dragged the surgeon into another rough, desperate kiss. That was all he needed. Just one chance. After tonight he knew Leonard McCoy, M.D. would never be able to forget him and this night they spent together. At that point it would just be a matter of time before the doctor succumbed to the chemistry that brought them both together. Just a matter of time. 

prompt fill, mccoy/chekov, star trek xi

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