Fanfic: Illegal Activites [ Part 5 / ? ] McCoy / Kirk

May 08, 2010 22:59

Title: Illegal Activities
Rating: M
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: McCoy/Kirk
Disclaimer: I own nothing! Not even the plot! I just wrote this damn thing.
Summary: Written to fill a prompt on the st_xi_kink_meme : Kirk and McCoy are assigned to a long term undercover mission while the Enterprise is at dock.The mission: find the leak in Starfleet’s intelligence department selling their secrets on the black market, rumored to be hiding on a non-federation planet. What they never expected was to slip so far into their cover that they might actually break the law… and a few unspoken rules between them.


Part Five - Livin’ Up the Lie

How the hell they had managed to get through the rest of that day, McCoy would never know. They did surgery after surgery, taking a break only for a real quick something to eat around mid afternoon. Even with his surgical skill, McCoy knew that some of these sad fucks were going to get caught. He was no expert in certain species skin tone but he could tell there was enough discoloration on a few of them for it to not be normal. He honestly could care less though. His job was done. What happened after his patient walked out of the room was no longer his responsibility.

What was his responsibility was figuring out what the hell he was going to do about tonight. He certainly didn’t want to fuck Jim. He wouldn’t want to in a million years he’d bet. Sure the kid had a pretty face and for a guy he was handsome but even if Leonard were into men he doubt he’d fuck the kid. First of fifty reasons being that he knew his friend’s medical history and would never dream of touching a woman who had been riddled with that many STDs in a year, let alone a man. Never mind that he had treated them all and knew for a fact that Jim was clean now. He wasn’t a complete germ-a-phobe but he had his limits, damn it.

But he could think of no way around it. The “boss” thought that they were in a loving monogamous relationship and who wouldn’t want to fuck his partner after a long day like this one? If he had a wife, or hell, if Chapel were here, he wouldn’t be hesitating. It was just… Jim. His best friend. His best male friend at that! Sex ruined all his relationships with friends that were women before. He doubted it would be any different now, even if Kirk wasn’t the type to scream and cry at him about it when he found out there was no love in it. Sadly, he could see himself in that role. Jim was always the much more playboy type.

The two of them sat in silence at dinner and Leonard didn’t doubt they were thinking along similar lines. Fuck this assignment in the least pleasant way possible. All he could do was hope that their target showed up soon and that Jim could find a way to get the information to Starfleet. There was no way Grank was going to let his prized surgeon leave his sight. They’d have to discuss that part later. At least the food was not half bad.

After dinner, McCoy and Jim made their way up to the room where they went about their usual nightly routine from the academy days. They were seamlessly able to dance around each other as they took turns showering and brushing their teeth and taking care of their business. Leonard was rather sure they at least looked the part of a decent couple to the cameras above though he really hoped that it would be construed as that. Once everything was taken care of, he knew would come the hard part. Fuck. A. Duck. Seriously.

The doctor had just finished brushing his teeth and looked up at himself in the mirror. He could do this. If nothing else, he could pretend to convince Jim to turn out the lights though knowing his luck the cameras would have night vision on them. That part would hardly matter. As long as he couldn’t see the body he was supposedly making love to, perhaps he could manage to pull this off. All he had to do was pretend it was Jocelyn… with a dick. He hit his forehead against the mirror. He could do this. For Joanna, he’d do anything to keep her safe. Including sleeping with Jim. Ugh.

He gathered up the remains of his frayed nerves and stepped out of the bathroom, only to face Jim with a fake smile on face looking at him from the bed. He looked somewhat scared, which was understandable. What they were doing had the potential to screw up their friendship beyond any and all hope of repair. However, it was something they had to do and they understood. “Don’t worry, darlin’” he said, walking around the bed to pull Jim against his chest. He felt a little less nervous now that he wasn’t looking his friend in the eye, “I’ll take real good care of you.” He meant it. He wouldn’t hurt Jim, not if he had a choice in the matter.

Jim’s arms wrapped tightly around him, the strong arms around the doctor’s body and the flat chest feeling a little odd. He had to do this. He just had to. He leaned in a little closer, whispering in his ear “Do you want to top this time or do you want me to do it?” The underlying question of ‘Have you ever done this with a guy or do you need the anatomy expert to run the show?’ was heard through the words. Jim’s response was a shudder and the words “You top this time.” Well so much for that idea. Fucking hell.

Steeling himself mentally, Bones leaned back and pulled Jim into a kiss, pretending he was kissing his wife when she was still sweet, forcing himself to ignore the stubble. He was glad that at least his partner was falling rather easily into the kiss as he carefully tumbled them both onto the bed, making sure to keep a good portion of his weight off his friend. The hands swept up his back and he pretended that the touch was that of a beautiful woman. A woman with larger, rougher hands than Jocelyn’s.

He was gentle as he guided Jim to the bed they stood next to, still kissing deeply, letting the hands of the younger man, the smaller man explore his body all they wanted. He knew he wasn’t hard. He couldn’t be. And right now it would take a lot more than just simple exploring on Jim’s part to get him anywhere near ready to take this to the level they needed to be at. He needed sounds, soft moans Jocelyn had always known to emit when he touched her just right. He’d never wanted to learn how to coax the same response from the body that was currently beneath him but tonight he would have to.

He shifted his weight onto one arm and let the other gently slide down his partner’s warm body, the chest beneath his hand firm and defined, although not quite the soft breast he was used to feeling there. It made him nervous but the strong hand entangling in his hair was the silent encouragement he needed. He let his hand kneed the soft flesh there for a moment before his fingers carefully tweaked the nipple he found there, surprised when he heard a sharp gasp of pleasure in response. He toyed with the nipple a little more, just to make sure he got the reaction right before moving on to feel the soft skin of the younger man’s flank. At least Jim wasn’t ticklish.

Breaking the kiss, Leonard turned his attention instead to the slightly rough skin of Jim’s jaw and cheek, his lips tracing the somewhat rough skin as he moved to put the majority of his weight on his knees while he straddled Jim’s hips. He allowed his free hand to take the same pleasures in exploring the other side of his partner as the first hand did while the hands that had been in his hair swept over his shoulders and down his chest, along his sides, those same hands once in a while dipping just below the waistband of the pajama bottoms he had worn out of the bathroom. Now things were going to have to advance quickly and to cover his nervousness, he pressed a series of light, gentle kisses along Jim’s cheek towards his ear, leaning in close as he asked, “Tell me, darlin’, what’s your pleasure tonight?” It was the only way he could think of to ask what Jim needed to get him through this while his hands slipped under Jim’s pajama bottom’s waistband just a bit before sweeping back up again.

After a minute Jim turns his head, pressing their cheeks together, their stubble rubbing in an odd way. “I want you to talk to me,” he said a bit breathlessly, though Bones could hear the nervousness and the fear in the voice. Damn it. This certainly wasn’t going to bring up good memories for Jim. “Like the first time babe. Make love to me like it’s the first time again. Please.” The doctor wanted to snort but wisely held back the comment. It wasn’t going to be -like- the first time so much as -the- first time.

So in response he came back to kiss his best friend again, slowly, reassuringly, as he very carefully unbuttoned the pajama pants Jim wore and worked to slide them down, the younger, fitter body. He ended up having to break the kiss to be able to get them all the way off but it didn’t matter. He took the opportunity, while he was away, to also slip out of his own pajama bottoms before crawling back onto the bed, back onto Jim, and pressing hard kisses to his soft neck while he forced himself to feel up Kirk’s strong legs and gently rub genitals with his friend. It was certainly not the most pleasing feeling in the world but it wasn’t entirely horrible either. He could learn to deal with it this one time.

“You’re beautiful,” he said huskily in Jim’s ear, testing out his voice while he put some weight back on his one arm and reached out to find the tube of lube he knew was most likely in the nightstand (as that was where it had been in the old place they were staying out), “So very beautiful, all laid out for me like this.” His hand found what he was looking for just as he nipped at the skin that connected Jim’s neck to his shoulder, causing a small gasp of please, his hips never once stopping in the way they rocked together. “I bet you have no idea just how beautiful you are to me. I bet you have no idea what it is you do to me.”

“Then tell me, babe,” Jim answered, breathlessly, one hand coming between them to pump their cocks while the other remained tightly entangled in McCoy’s hair, “tell me how beautiful I am to you. Tell me what just feeling me with your hands, imaginin’ me in the dark, makes you want to do to me.” His legs spread wider as their dicks slowly filled with blood. If the doctor didn’t know he’d almost say Jim wanted this but he did know the truth. He wished more than anything he could stop this right here, right now but he couldn’t. ‘I’m sorry Jim,’ he thought to himself as he swept his kisses down to his friend’s chest.

“I don’t need to be imagining you, darlin’,” he said softly between kisses, managing somehow to get the tube open and getting just a bit of it on his hand, “I know what you look like. I know what you look like with your legs wide open for me and your pretty blue eyes just beggin’ me to make you come.” He couldn’t bring himself to insult the kid, even if it was in the name of dirty talk. He knew Jim had heard them far too often from far too foul mouths to ever hear those words come from a lover’s lips. It’s what came with a child who was left on a colony struck by famine for more than a year. He’d do what he could to keep too many of those memories from resurfacing.

He gently wrapped his lips around one nipple, suckling on it gently as if it was a woman’s breast, his lubed up hand knocking away Jim’s almost desperate one and taking the young man’s dick in his hand, forcing himself to pretend he was simply handling a patient’s who couldn’t handle this kind of thing himself. “Does that feel good for ya, babe?” he asked Jim breathlessly, shifting to play with the other nipple instead as his partner’s hands started tugging at his short hair. Well, at least that was one thing Jim was better at than Jocelyn. He loved having his hair pulled.

“Oh Leonard,” Jim ended up moaning back in reply, and McCoy could feel Jim’s legs shifting beneath him, widening around him to allow his hand better access to the dick he was currently stroking apparently so very expertly, the hot skin growing harder and harder, “oh yeah, just like that. You’re way too good at this.” -for doing this for the first time was left unsaid but was well understood. The doctor ignored it. He could do this. He could finish this for Jim. At least one of them could find real release in this.

“You feel nice in my hand, Jim. So very hot and heavy and hard.” He squeezed the penis just tightly enough to ride that pain / pleasure line before speeding up his hand, hovering above his best friend and resting his nose against Jim’s cheek as he listened to every harsh pant and broke whimper escape his buddy’s lips. As much as it shouldn’t have, it was starting to turn him on too but he could wait. He would wait. Right now this was about Jim. The hands that had been in his hair moved, one grabbing at his strong shoulder and the other reaching for the head board. There was no being mistaken as those thrusts into his hand became more desperate.

“You wanna come for me, Jim? You wanna show me just how dirty you really are?”

“Oh hell yeah Bones! Please!”

“Then come for me Jim. Let it go.”

Kirk didn’t need any further encouragement. He bucked his hips a few more times before he came with a cry, his seed spilling to stain not only McCoy’s hand (which was something he found only mildly disgusting) but both of their bellies as well. While it wasn’t the hardest the young captain (or would be captain when they got back) had ever come, it certainly was pretty hard. However, that much could easily be explained the several months the kid had gone without any kind of sexual relief. Leonard pumped the rapidly softening cock a few more times just to get the last few drops out of his friend before letting go, pulling Jim into a slow kiss, again in reassurance, trying to think of how he was going to take care of himself.

“Bones,” Jim muttered softly after a minute, breaking their kiss, “Let me help you with that.” Leonard felt sickened when he felt the hand shake as it wrapped around him. This was going too far back into those terrible memories. He swatted the hand away, his erection quickly deflating. He didn’t care if it blew the cover tonight. He wasn’t going to make his best friend suffer through that. “I’m alright Jim. Just let me clean up and we’ll get some sleep.”


Part Four - First Day on the Real Job

prompt fill, fanfic, star trek xi, mccoy/kirk

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