Dec 10, 2005 01:38
My daughter is dead.
My girlfriend and I are barely speaking. I don’t know that our relationship will survive this.
I just buried my child a few weeks ago.
I broke the nose of the ER’s chief resident.
My little girl was killed.
My own chief resident is apparently pissing off the Chief of Staff and making me look bad.
Did I mention that my daughter is dead?
I came home drunk to my alcoholic girlfriend and very nearly caused her to fall off the wagon.
My Sophia is still dead.
Why don’t you tell me what I have to be happy about? My health? Hardly. Guess who has been battling with cancer?
And my daughter is dead.
I won’t ever have any more children thanks to the cancer treatment.
Really brings home the point that my daughter is dead.
In summary, I have nothing to be happy about because my daughter is dead and everything else in my life seems to be balancing on shit at the moment.