Not-so-happy turkey day...

Nov 27, 2008 21:08

Hey y'all.

I felt like writing mostly because I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself. Not like RIDICULOUS depression or anything, just unexpectedly bummed over something I thought didn't matter to me that much. Today is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, and where normally I find myself enveloped in a warm family-togetherness type glow (which is RARE for my family anyway, to say the least), I find myself alone. Not COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY EMO ALONE. Just alone. And it kinda really bites. I know I could've put forth the effort and tried to have myself a merry little Thanksgiving on my own, but frankly I wasn't up to planning/preparing it earlier this week. Frankly I'm still not. I might be getting sick. FANTASTIC. Not to mention the TONS of work getting dumped on me because of the new English curriculum. Plus the JET mid-year conference next week which I STILL haven't booked a hotel room for. FUCK.

I'm making it sound more negative than it is. In fact recently a lot of good crap has happened too. Normally though, the good stuff doesn't happen together with the bad. It tends to just happen all at once, you know, "when it rains, it pours" kinda thing. I should actually be grateful that I'm not just getting dumped on by the cosmos. It is Thanksgiving after all...ha ha ha.

Hmmm, in an effort to lift my spirits. I shall list the things I'm thankful for. This is not an exhaustive list, but more like immediate things I can think of. Here goes:

~My (relative) health

~My family and friends who are no doubt missing me at home. Though my family might have AT LEAST called. >.<

~My job and the personal freedom living here in Japan gives me.

~My friends here in Japan including but not limited to Amy who is keeping me grounded in my normal life, Rob and Matt who keep me sane amongst all the English leeches, and Yuuki who has shown me (somewhat miraculously) that you CAN and SHOULD make good friends even across language barriers.

~My students. I'm honestly overwhelmed sometimes at the amount of concern and affection they display for me. Not to mention the effort they make to understand not only me, but English as a subject. It makes me want to be an even better teacher.

~My rice cooker. That lil' guy doesn't mess around.

~Arashi. As LAME as it might seem. It's so nice having something to obsess over like a middle school girl. Guilty pleasures are the best. (I'm about to watch Masaki and Riidah get thrown into a pile of suzumebachi try their hand at beekeeping on tonight's Himitsu no Arashi-chan. I hope it's comedic GOLD. Fuck those giant bees though. Like seriously I hope I never see one. DO NOT WANT.)

~Japanese Drama - Again, shows like Ryuusei no Kizuna and Celeb to Binbou Taro that make me think I understand Japanese fairly well are always a welcome confidence boost.

~Instant Curry and Lucky Cider. WORST MEAL FOR YOU EVAR. Somehow I don't care, lol.

Well okay that actually seemed to pull me a BIT out of my funk. What do you know? Writing can serve a purpose. Although this is technically typing. But I digress. I need to update about last weekend when Amy came to visit, 'cause some cool shit happened, not the least of which is me finding a Japanese guy that I totally would date and might even be persuaded to date me???? Yeah wtf, I know. This from me who said I wouldn't get a b/f while I was here. Never say never I guess. But yeah. I have to snuggle down for some HnA and I think I'mma make some cocoa before that, so I gotta get moving.

Sorry if you guys are really bored reading this. It was more therapeutic than anything. Heh.

japan, depression, fandom, thanksgiving

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