Jul 12, 2005 01:22
Hey guys today was pretty good but 2nite wasnt that great!! Today danay came 2 c me and then later tique and gage came over and then brian came over and then we all hung out and then they left around 9 or 9 30 and then i got on the comp at like 10 and played games on ebaums world 4 a while and then i started 2 talking 2 nick and that was kinda bad becasue we started talking about what we were going 2 do if nikki doesnt get 2 come back and whether or not we think that she is going 2 and that whole conversation made me so so so sad and it was so hard 4 me 2 sit there and listen 2 him telling me that he basically drinks himself 2 sleep every other night and that he has started smoking weed all the time and thats just not the nick i knew...all we want is nikole...given the choice i would choose nikki over a lot of people here n georgia...not because i dont love them...ut because i know they could handle it but we know nikki and she could do something 2 hurt herself...1 of these days shes gonns find out that nick is moving on or its gonna hit her that shes not coming back and i know shes not going 2 b able 2 keep the promises that she has made because there is only so far that u can go be its just 2 late and theres no point in holding back and its so hard for me 2 know when nikole hits rock battom i cant b there 2 pick her back up like i was last time!! Im not sure what 2 do and its just so hard for me 2sit back and whatch everything get messed up...again:( !! gage moves in 3 days:( i still havnt seen like ne 1 that i really want 2:( ...1 good thing is i might get 2 c nikki b4 skool statrs...and that all i can hope 4 right now!!