Don't feel any more growed up at all!
Ok, last week I ran 29.48 km! (some of it on the treadmill, but such is life.) This is more than a half marathon. Hope for me yet!
Sunday was a nice day, in a strange and slightly empty-inside kind of way....
Had cake for breakfast - see pic - and it was win. Thanks Amy! Was home baked triumph of weight-watchers skinniness ... 2.5 points a slice, lemon and strawberry cake... yummmm!
Did swim first, (did 36 lengths - 900m!) so could have been worse ... and what the hell - it were my birthday, and I ate what I wanted to!
The weather was lovely, was sunny all day long, so breakfast was had in the garden, and cards and pressies too - I had lots of lovely things, and a fair amount of cash to buy lovely things with - sadly this has not entirely been the case, but
more on this later...
Went to Garden Centre and purchased two new fishies - a small one and an even smaller one - they are called Arrow and Dart, respectively, after dolphins in Anne MacCaffery's 'Pern' series! The Thing was very excited by the new pond residents, and they spent the rest of the day chasing each other round and round the pond - obviously I've seen no sign of any of them since, but am assuming they're ok until I see evidence to the contrary.
Managed to resist the buying plants/pots etc urges - mainly cos I have work to do with what I've got, but also because Priory Farm has a 15% off day coming up on the 19th, so would be daft to buy stuff before that..
Am proud to say that the silly hat (wiv da silver bow on) got worn to the garden centre, without a single qualm .. to be fair, I had entirely forgotten it was there, but that's not the point, is it now????
Had a bbq lunch, and once again, the coals were hottest when it was all done - will learn one day - possibly - to light bbq long time before 'tis needed!
Anyway, was yummy, and there was chocolate ice cream too - what more can a girl ask for?
Had mad and insane getting ready panic after this, but got to Little Bay in time for yet more food, this time in the company of various lovely people from school
Photo on left shows Gemma, me, Liz, Jesse, Rob and Lee, and is being taken by Andy, pictured on the right: A good time was had by all - ate far too much chocolate cake, but again, what the hell! Had more lovely pressies - earrings, gardening books, Lovely lovely Lush goodies - sigh - and a really nice evening - thanks to everyone. For the birthday, and all the support, friendship and loveliness you've given me all year.... sniffle.
Me and Gemma - both had sun-daze!
Yesterday - Monday - was a gym day - body-maintenance and cycling. Also met up with Liz and Lee, and hit the pool at school in the evening - was really nice, although I only managed 26 lengths before the tiredness struck.
Got home to find Frankie sitting outside - he plainly doesn't live here anymore, but has become a resident of the garden. A bit of investigation suggests that fleas are the problem, and have begun a decontamination of flat programme which involved a trip to the vet for spray and treatment costing £64 - so there goes the birthday money! Have done spare room, and will do rest of flat and cats (again) tomorrow, then hopefully he'll come home. I miss him. So much so that I spent hours outside with him on my lap and sat in the chair next to me this afternoon and this evening!
Running today, 90 mins of it, at the airfield. 2 walk breaks (3 mins each) and no wee stops, did a total of 13.38km - am win!
weigh in was interesting - having eaten a very lot at the weekend, was expecting the worst, but had in fact lost 1lb... so now weigh 10st 9lbs.... so there!
Eyes closing, and need to go hug Frankie before I go to bed - Peg is furry purry lap cat atm!!
Up early early tomorrow, for a swim, then quick Croydon visit to pay in cheque from Mum and Dad, then more flea destruction. Joy.
Love to everyone. Lots of it.