Subjects are Lame

Apr 27, 2006 22:10

last week was hectic as all hell. Two big fuck-off exams and a bunch of projects. My lighting project on Wednesday had me up until 4 in the morning, but I managed to pull it off.

Thursday I finished my carpentry project, then went home and celebrated the 20th of April with a couple of my buddies.

Friday I got up and finished my carps project, for which I received an 85%. Not too shabby. I met up with Kim and we went and saw Thank You for Smoking, which was pretty awesome, and earned mucho cool points because Sam Elliot was in it. That fucking voice of his is as badass as they come.

After that we went to go visit John Mills, who called me up asking to come to his friends house because he was in town. It was kickin rad to see him again after all this time. Brandon also made it out, we chilled and drank more than we should have, at which time I took Kim and we made the voyage back to Kennedy.

I'll say this about being in an altered state of mind: everything becomes fucking epic. Getting on the correct streetcar and making it to the right subway station makes you feel like a genius, like you've just been entrusted with the One Ring. And traveling inebriated while helping someone else get home? Oh man, it's like you just dropped that ring into Mt. Doom and freed earth from disaster!

I finished up my exams this week, so I'm now free. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, as we now have 4 months, so no excuses people!

Paul's coming over to chill tomorrow and we're going to the Hobbystar ComiCon on Saturday (NERDS!!).

Also, I realize no one probably reads this journal, but since many of my friends are Joss Whedon fans, I'm throwing out the recommendation that you pick up Astonishing X-Men. The man can write comics quite well, and it's got some classic Whedon dialogue, plus it's clear he has a passion for the characters.

(little known fact: Buffy's personality was based very much on Kitty Pryde a.k.a. Shadowcat.)

So yes, do yourselves a favour and pick up some Astonishing X-Men. Hell, I'll lend you the issues if you want.
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