Mar 01, 2006 19:53
Alright, now while I'm not the most Catholic guy out there (Pope BeneNazi wins that one), I do believe in God and Jebus. Therefore, I will take part in lent this year. what am I giving up? I've decided a real challenge for me would be swearing. I'm not particularly fond of foul language, yet somewhere along the way, my vocabulary became a wee bit more colourful. Therefore, 40 days and 40 nights of no bad words shall hopefully bring me closer to Jebus, as I won't be ragging on him for a while with exclamations of Jesus Christ and such.
Shit, I just swore! Damn, there I go again! Crap!
...Alright, starting right after this entry, there will be no more foul language emanating from my lips or from my keyboard. Those who will be seeing me during the period of lent please keep on me about keeping my language PG.
No for some final cleansing before the challenge commences....
Fuck, Shit, Piss, Cunt, Damn, Ass, Asshole, Bitch, Bastard, Christ, Motherfucker, Dick, Crap, Mittens.
ahh, much better.