Um. I've heard that Be Cool isn't so great. I haven't seen it though so that's not MY opinion. *shrugs*
I asked them when Garden State was going pre-viewed, because I'm cheap but still want the movie. They told me soon. Which means they were too lazy to look it up. They always say they don't know, which is a lie. They can look it up. It's in a manual they get every month. LIARS! Uh. So the point is, it should be coming pre-viewed soonish.
Considering I saw 'The Aviator', I am sure it can't be that bad. At least 'Be Cool' can't possibly be as bad as that horrid shit. AT LEAST I'll have VV to look at, right? :)
Did you check Blockbuster? I think our local Blockbuster already had some previously viewed ones on their shelves for only 9 bucks or something. But the soundtrack, I've been listening to it all weekend.
I did not see "The Aviator". I guess I won't be rushing to the theater either. *L* Simon from Duran Duran was on the radio this morning and he said it was a pile of you know what, except for John Travolta. *shrugs* I'll probably wait for video myself but if you like it, let me know! :)
I did. Those are the assholes that told me, soon. I guess I'll have to stop by and see.
Y'know, I can see the positive parts of Aviator; it was beautifully shot and the colors were amazing and all that CRAP. But No.
I am sadly, one of those girls that did not do Duran Duran during my younger days. I can appreciate a rousing version of "Rio" nowadays, but just was not into them as a kid. I was all about HARD ROCK, babie. :)
I asked them when Garden State was going pre-viewed, because I'm cheap but still want the movie. They told me soon. Which means they were too lazy to look it up. They always say they don't know, which is a lie. They can look it up. It's in a manual they get every month. LIARS! Uh. So the point is, it should be coming pre-viewed soonish.
I love the soundtrack.
Did you check Blockbuster? I think our local Blockbuster already had some previously viewed ones on their shelves for only 9 bucks or something. But the soundtrack, I've been listening to it all weekend.
*hugs* Thanks.
I did. Those are the assholes that told me, soon. I guess I'll have to stop by and see.
Hmmm, not quite sure if I trust the word of a Duran Duran member. ;) But if I do see it, I'll def. let you know!
I'll keep my eye out for GS for you.
Come on KB, you loved Duran Duran! ;)
I am sadly, one of those girls that did not do Duran Duran during my younger days. I can appreciate a rousing version of "Rio" nowadays, but just was not into them as a kid. I was all about HARD ROCK, babie. :)
I wasn't really "into" them. I remember my babysitter loving John, I think. Or whatever.
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