It's official!

May 16, 2014 13:35

I was informed by administration today that I will be teaching senior level English next year. That's British lit! I'll teach "Beowulf" and Chaucer and Pride & Prejudice and Jane Eyre and "Othello"! Is it crazy that I'm equal parts excited and terrified about this? I mean, I've been teaching 10th grade for the past three years, and while it's not necessarily material I'm super passionate about (although I do love teaching The Book Thief and doing bomb shelter simulations), it's something I'm familiar with now and have scads of material on. The teacher who's taking a year's leave-of-absence is leaving me with tons of material, quizzes, tests... but I want it to be my own, too!

Excuse me while I go simultaneously celebrate and shake in a corner :)


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