Summer Goals for 2014

May 15, 2014 21:43

As I won't be traveling abroad this summer after all (*whingewhinge*) and the only real work I'll have is tutoring - assuming they keep me on - I figure I ought to use the next two and a half months to get some real stuff done! Thus, I will do what I do best: make a list. Here's to hoping some of these things actually happen! Encouragement and cookies are welcome.

Sewing Goals:
  • Finish DWSAL quilt
  • Make t-shirt quilt from Elon shirts
  • Wall hanging for Honey Badger and husband
  • (At least start on) RenFaire/Merida gown for next year   <-- lowest priority
Reading Goals:
  • Finish Canterbury Tales (with my accompanying annotations)
  • Read the entirety of the ACD "Sherlock Holmes" canon
  • Reread the LOTR trilogy   <-- if time and continuing inclination
Writing Goals:
  • (Start and) finish short story for submission to Athena's Daughters II anthology
  • Outline novel-to-be
Teaching Goals:
  • Open up shop at for some extra money   <-- as soon as year is out
  • Map out next year's curriculum
  • Rearrange and CLEAN classroom
Plus, I'll be heading down to New Orleans for a few weeks in July and up to Rhode Island to visit my cousin and her girlfriend at some point, as well. So despite my disappointed plans for London, I think it shall be a very busy and productive season.

summer plans

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