Ficlet: "Breaking the Fourth Wall" (PG, cross-fandom fic for aalia7)

Mar 30, 2014 22:06

So... remember that kiss meme I did back in August of last year? I never posted my response to aalia7's prompt! I am rectifying that now, and I will attempt to (finally) respond to wildcard_47's prompt as well very soon ( Read more... )

harry potter, fic, snape, kiss meme, doctor who, ss/hg

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Comments 6

aalia7 March 31 2014, 04:22:15 UTC
Aaaaaaaaaack! I can't even!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I think I have burst a capillary from squeeing. Am on my phone right now, will come back later and post a more compleat and coherent comment. For now, eeeeeeeee!! <3


dozmuffinxc March 31 2014, 13:37:46 UTC
Eeeeeee :D :D :D


aalia7 April 1 2014, 01:00:47 UTC
This is SO perfect. You captured two favourite characters so amazingly well... subjected the Doctor to the full force of his practiced glare ... the most ridiculous grin Severus Snape had ever had the displeasure to witness.


And the Dai Llewellyn Ward! It's all in the details!

*squees again*

This parallel universe is exactly what I was imagining when I did my TARDIS at Spinner's End mashup. You have fleshed it out so beautifully.

*squees squees squees all the way home*


kerravonsen March 31 2014, 06:57:25 UTC
Ha! Of course! Clever-clogs, you are. (grin)


dozmuffinxc March 31 2014, 13:37:23 UTC
*beams* :D


Mathy, math, math. livejournal April 1 2014, 01:19:08 UTC
User aalia7 referenced to your post from Mathy, math, math. saying: [...] hanging for my classroom. Also, if you haven't already, please go read 's ficlet. Go now [...]


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