Mathy, math, math.

Mar 31, 2014 20:19

Hiya! Missed you guys!

The Giant Task of teaching is easing off a bit. I actually got some crafting done this weekend. WOOHOO. I cannot tell you how therapeutic that was. I'm slowly getting in the routine of lesson planning, grading, staff meetings, quality time with my own kids, housework (nearly nonexistant because, come on, it's housework), etc. Balance, dude.

I was grading math tests and realised a wonderful problem had been included:

That's a LOT of cats.

Also, I made pi.

After a bit of embroidery, this will be a wall hanging for my classroom.

Also, if you haven't already, please go read dozmuffinxc's ficlet. Go now.

I need to go grade science tests in which students should be using words like "unmanned space probe" but I'm reading answers like "spaceship". Sigh.


teaching, friends, work

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