My dress is bigger on the inside!

Jan 15, 2014 08:31

I wore my TARDIS dress to school today, and the following conversations have already happened:

Student: If that's a TARDIS dress, how does it fit? Isn't it bigger on the inside?
Me: I feel like that's a veiled fat joke...

Student: Your TARDIS dress is awesome!
Me: Thank you! Now, the real question is, if I drink tea out of my TARDIS mug while wearing a TARDIS dress, will I create a paradox? Will the world explode??
Student: I don't know... is that a risk you're willing to take?
Me: I mean, I really want my tea.

Colleague: If I was younger, I would make some joke about the "Free for Public Use" sign.

Student: Oooh, that dress is TIGHT! (Fairly certain this was used colloquially as a compliment...)

teaching, doctor who

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