It's time for midterms!

Jan 14, 2014 11:38

I am beyond grateful for the fact that the remainder of this week is taken up by midterms and, therefore, HALF DAYS! And next week, we have Monday off and a workday on Tuesday. That's a full week without teaching! *sighs* It feels so good. Granted, I have disgusting amounts of grading and planning to do, but at least it can be done without the pressure of the teenage numpties who usually inhabit my classroom!

Tomorrow is my Speech & Debate midterm. We'll be having a Socratic Seminar with only 8 students (half of my class is made up of seniors, and they can be exempted from exams if they have an A in the class); students will earn their grades based on the level and quality of their participation. I've chosen 7 topics to take up the better part of two hours, and I'm including them under the cut:

The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Is Vladimir Putin within his rights to ban shows of support for gay athletes (or, as he calls it, “gay propaganda”)? Should the U.S. boycott?

Is murder ever morally justifiable? Particularly if a person kills someone because he believes that it is the right thing to do.

Is Dennis Rodman going too far in North Korea?

Should A&E have suspended Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for his anti-gay remarks?

Do you agree with the statement, "This is America. Speak English."?

Are our society's values deteriorating?

Should women be allowed to serve in combat duty?

If you're interested, I'd value any input! I have my own opinions, of course, but they don't factor in to this discussion; it's up to the students to make their points and to support them with appropriate evidence. I'm always a little wary going into controversial issues, but this class in particular has proven respectful and informed in their discussions, so I'm not *too* worried. If you'd like to throw in your two cents, I might include some of your comments when we hash out our talk tomorrow!

speech/debate, teaching, exams

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