Not like anyone reads these...

Oct 03, 2011 14:26

...but it's nice to have them down for my own sake.

A conundrum of sorts )

doctor who, angst

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clumsy_chord October 3 2011, 21:45:37 UTC
It is true I haven't been reading these posts yet,... but the key word is yet! I haven't watched any of it yet so until I do I'm still avoiding spoilers :D You're on my Note-To-Self:Come-Back-To-It list!


dozmuffinxc October 3 2011, 23:10:19 UTC
Awww, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was spreading the guilt. I love when folks comment, of course, but it's hard with these recent reduxes because so many of my Who friends aren't caught up with watching yet and are thus avoiding these posts like the Black Death.

When you get yourself caught up, GET YE BACK HERE and we can squee together!! I can't wait to hear all of your thoughts on River and Co. And remember...

"Spoilers, sweetie." <3<3<3


clumsy_chord October 3 2011, 23:59:19 UTC
Not to worry, I didn't think you were trying to make people feel guilty! Just figured I'd let you know why this Who-fan hasn't been around :D (Though, honestly, I haven't been totally thrilled with much in the Matt Smith oeuvre so far. I can't figure out if I'm just being a suck about missing David Tennant or if it's the stories themselves that aren't quiet catching me. I think it might be a little of both, but we'll see once I start watching this last batch of episodes. I've got days and nights worth of tv to catch up on though, I rarely watch more than a hour or two of tv in any given week, unless I get in a real sewing groove and then it's bucketloads of tv. Lots of backlog anyway!)


dozmuffinxc October 4 2011, 00:10:10 UTC
Yeah, I haven't been sold on the Smith seasons, either, and I'm not entirely sure what it is. There are some episodes that I see and I love ("The Doctors Wife" was absolutely brilliant AND written by Neil Gaiman) and then there are others that I think were disappointingly lame ("The God Complex" was a let-down). I think I've come to like it more mainly because I've become such a River fan and, because she's such a Doctor fan, I've come around. But I still miss my Tennant, even if he was a major Debby-downer in the end - but then, how could he not be?? Poor baby... ;_;


clumsy_chord October 4 2011, 00:49:15 UTC
There's a part of me that wants some more stand-alone episodes (I don't mind a little call-back to whatever the season's over-arching story is, like all the Bad Wolves popping up back in that season) because most of my favourite episodes are ones that stand totally on their own. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but it feels like there has been more interconnectedness in the seasons, where you can't miss an episode, lest you miss the gist of the whole season. I feel like it's gotten more complicated, which I don't generally mind in a tv show, except that the stuff that really made me like DW was the kind of fun throwaway entertainment and some of the Matt Smith stuff has felt like work to follow along with ( ... )


dozmuffinxc October 5 2011, 18:14:20 UTC
I do really like the stand-alone episodes, and I understand completely when you say that there's more of a continuity this season that, while interesting, has somehow taken something away from the most recent seasons ( ... )


clumsy_chord October 5 2011, 23:50:47 UTC
Yeah, I'll definitely let you know when I get to watching it. Might be a while yet, but it'll happen :D


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