Not like anyone reads these...

Oct 03, 2011 14:26

...but it's nice to have them down for my own sake.

A conundrum of sorts )

doctor who, angst

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dozmuffinxc October 5 2011, 18:14:20 UTC
I do really like the stand-alone episodes, and I understand completely when you say that there's more of a continuity this season that, while interesting, has somehow taken something away from the most recent seasons.

As for River, I'm definitely still processing how I feel about her and the character they've turned her into this season. I love her to pieces, but I do feel like she's been confined to a very specific role now that we "know" who she is. There was fun and mystery when it was still uncertain, but I'm kind of giddy about her... well, I'll try not to give any of that away yet. I'm sure I'll realize later that Moffat made an awful choice in making her the _________________________, but for now, I'm OK with it.

I certainly used to think she was very smug and arrogant and that's why I loathed her so much when we first saw her in "Silence in the Library." But she makes a lot more sense now, and I've come to see the tragic side of her character more so than I allowed myself to in those early episodes. I think she has reason to be the way she is, and an excuse, too, perhaps. Her life has not been easy or fair, and I love that she's able to play around with the truth and tease the Doctor and his companions; she deserves a little fun in her life!

But I won't say any more until you've fully caught up. I don't want to spoiler too much for you. But please do let me know when you've gotten to the finale so we can squee over it together!!


clumsy_chord October 5 2011, 23:50:47 UTC
Yeah, I'll definitely let you know when I get to watching it. Might be a while yet, but it'll happen :D


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