(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 09:50

The verdict is in: A's across the board! Minus that A- in Linguistics, but really, who's being that anal as to count a tiny little - ? I'm so glad this semester's over, so much so that had my grades been sub-par, I don't think I would've minded in the least. At any rate, I wouldn't have been surprised.

The drive home for Christmas is looking iffy. Massive snow-storms in the northeast might stop us from making the hike up to NY this weekend, but I'm still crossing my fingers (and toes!) that we'll be able to manage it. This Christmas really needs to be spent together.

Dad commissioned an artist friend of ours to paint a portrait of my aunt and uncle as a gift for the former. It's a beautiful piece of art--just came to us finished yesterday--but it's going to bring a bucketful of extra tears to our holiday season when my Aunt B actually receives it. Time does not make it easier to deal with my uncle's loss, and although this is a lovely present, I don't know but that it might be too soon in coming.

So much shopping to be done today. I'm bringing lunch to mum at school today and may not get around to much of it before my doctor's appointment later on. But it must be done! Must!! Especially now that my plan for the kiddies (a collection of The Chronicles of Narnia for the oldest niece and nephew) was rejected by mum, I have a lot of thinking to do.

christmas 2008, grades, family

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