(no subject)

Dec 17, 2008 11:20

Blessed, blessed day because I'm finally home!! I'm about to fry up some dumplings and boil the water for ramen, settle onto the couch with my puppy and put my feet up for a few hours before my doctor's appointment. *LOVE*

This homecoming was made even merrier by three holiday cards waiting for me: from geminiscorp, hp5freak and call_of_the_sea! Thankyouthankyouthankyou guys! I love them! And I hope you'll be getting yours soon.

And last but CERTAINLY not least, happiest of birthdays to my niece-ikins, elvenlaughter!! I know you're having a blast in the big city, and if you don't call me tonight to tell me all about Equus, there's going to be a great reckoning to be dealt with! *hugs* Happy, happy birthday to you m'dear.

christmas 2008, birthday wishes

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